ALEXANDER: Trump Will Address Global Challenges From a Position of Strength

What I’ve always found interesting is the long-held belief that “America’s enemies always test a new president to see how far they can go.” Well, I’m highly doubtful that will occur now.  They won’t be testing this one.

Our enemies no doubt already know that the “appeasement” policy of the Obama-Biden Administrations is resoundingly over.

Rather, our enemies know exactly what they will be getting from Trump II and America—a decisive Commander-in-Chief and a military structure with the capacity to bring overwhelming force against America’s enemies. The result of this, ironically, will be to preserve peace. This was President Reagan’s philosophy of “peace through strength.”

New security measures will undoubtedly include Pres. Trump’s vision of possessing the technology to knock down and destroy incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles. “We will replenish our military and build an Iron Dome missile defense system to ensure that no enemy can strike our homeland,” Trump stated on the campaign.

Such a defense system will no doubt build upon the great Strategic Defense Initiative technology of Pres. Reagan in the 1980s, much as that technology has been deployed for several decades by Israel to defend itself against endless bombing attacks.

Iran, who tried and will continue to try to have Pres. Trump assassinated, is back on its heels. The sanctions Pres. Trump imposed in his first term crushed the economy of that nation, so it was not in a position to continue funding terror campaigns—whether directly or through its proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah—throughout the world.  Those sanctions will be reimposed.

Israel, no doubt, has breathed an enormous sigh of relief.  The Obama-Biden Administrations often only tenuously supported that country and then, often only due to extraordinary pressure by the American people to do so.  Trump will no doubt stand behind Israel and allow it to defend itself by any and all means necessary.

China will no doubt continue to engage in cyberespionage and intellectual theft but will think twice about further dominating weaker nations or commandeering new territories.  This is not only due to robust U.S. military strength but also because China cannot afford to be cut off from trade with America, even with Trump-imposed tariffs.

President Trump will also do what he said he would during the campaign and end the Russia-Ukraine war. This will probably require Ukraine to cede some portion of its territory that Russia has seized but in so doing Ukraine will remain under the protection of the U.S.; to say nothing of the hundreds of billions of dollars it has received from us already.  Russia, in turn, will be looking for a face-saving way to end the conflict.  Despite his statements about the use of nuclear weapons, Vladimir Putin does not want to test Pres. Trump.

Kim Jong Un in North Korea is, as always, engaged in bellicose rhetoric and saber rattling but he also doesn’t want to cross Trump.

As an aside, Elon Musk has commented that the F-35 fighter jet tries to do too many things and does nothing particularly well. Musk thinks the “F-35 fighter is an obsolete and poorly functioning weapon system whose mission is best overtaken by uncrewed aircraft.” (Air @ Space Forces Magazine, J. Tirpak, 11-27-24).   In fact, Musk believes we should move to entirely unmanned fighter aircraft.  If we ever do so we would no longer need to be concerned about many things, including human fighter pilots being killed or pilots losing consciousness and passing out when G forces overwhelm them.

To that end, I am greatly interested in seeing what reductions Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy conclude can be smartly and strategically made to address the enormous but corroded U.S. military-industrial complex.

This is an exciting time on multiple fronts. The difference is America is again led by a decisive, fearless man who has been tried and has emerged victorious, not only overcoming eight years of relentless bombs and legal attacks from the corrupt Deep State and their media coven, but also surviving two assassination attempts, including one in Butler, PA where he was actually struck by an assassin’s bullet.  In short, America’s domestic political and foreign enemies see a battle-tested man of combat-level courage.

At this time of year when we give thanks for living in America, we must follow Trump’s example and, as did he, we too must thank God for sparing his life and blessing the life of our nation.  Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas season!



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