VIDEO: Tucker Carlson, Clay Higgins And January 6

Last week, it came out, courtesy of the Justice Department’s Inspector General, that no less than 26 FBI and law enforcement assets salted the crowd on January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol as a protest of the irregularities of the 2020 presidential election turned into a riot.

The number was probably more than that. At least according to U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins, who has been working on investigating the question of what role federal law enforcement played in inflating the J6 event into what it became, says we’re really looking at more than 200.

Whether Higgins is correct about that is still an open question. What’s less open is whether the federal government turned J6 into something its honest participants weren’t intent on making it. That clearly did happen. FBI and other federal law enforcement assets led people into the Capitol building and guided them into sensitive areas that wouldn’t have likely been accessible given the confusing labyrinth of corridors and officers that building contains.

In the wake of the admissions by DOJ last week, Higgins did an interview with Tucker Carlson to expand on the evidence he’s seen, and it’s an eye-opening discussion to be sure.

What are the implications of what Higgins is saying?

This protest was turned into a Reichstag fire, and a concerted, intentional effort was made to demonize and discredit both Donald Trump and his supporters so as to end MAGA as a movement and thus cancel a threat to a corrupt ruling elite which actively disparages, and holds in disdain, the people whom it governs.

And for the last four years we’ve had a very difficult time of it as a country as a result.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of Americans entrapped by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies and languishing in gulags for what essentially amounts to trespassing – for years at this point. While the ruling elite continues to pretend that there is some revolutionary right wing in this country which plans an insurrection and threatens “our democracy.”

All of this was an obvious lie. The claims of dead police officers on J6 were also lies.

Almost everything we’ve been told about J6 was a lie.

Higgins is telling the truth as best he can, and that makes him stand out among all the lies.



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