Something has been missing in America’s cultural and political discourse for a long time.
It’s not just morality. It’s not just faith. It’s something more fundamental—the very presence and protection of angels.
At one time, belief in angels wasn’t just part of the faith. It was part of life. They weren’t just decorative cherubs or Hallmark card figures. They were warriors—divine powers sent by God to intervene in the battles of men, revealing truth, protecting the faithful, and, when necessary, destroying the wicked. People knew that they played an active role in history, guiding us, protecting us, and revealing truth. They understood that spiritual warfare wasn’t an abstract concept but an ongoing reality, shaping nations as much as individuals.
But in America today, angels are either stripped of their power or erased entirely. We’ve pushed them to the margins of culture, reducing them to myths or replacing them with something darker.
And that’s not an accident.
Nowadays, even an article like this will seem weird to most.
St Gabriel and the Announcement of Truth
Today is the Feast Day of St Gabriel on the Traditional Catholic calendar, and tomorrow is the Feast of the Annunciation. The Church of course placed these back to back because of their conjunction to one another.
The Annunciation is central to the Christian faith. The angel Gabriel, the great messenger of God, appears to the Virgin Mary and speaks the most consequential words in human history:
“Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women” (Luke 1:28).
In that moment, the eternal plan of salvation was revealed. In that moment, the Incarnation of Truth itself began. Truth Himself—the Way, the Truth, and the Life—was about to enter the world. And the instrument of that revelation was an angel. For 2,000 years, this event has stood as the single greatest moment of divine revelation, the moment when Truth took on flesh to dwell among us. It was a reality so profound that Satan and his own cohort of fallen angels have been trying to bury it ever since.
Today, that war continues—not just against faith, but against the very concept of Truth itself.
Against Christ himself.
Gabriel was not just a passive messenger. He was a warrior of truth. His name means “God is my strength” or “man of God.” and throughout Scripture, he is the one who reveals God’s hidden plans, lifting the veil on what men could not yet see. He spoke to Daniel, delivering a prophecy about the advent and redemption of Our Lord Jesus Christ—and about the tyrannical king Antiochus IV, who was a forerunner of the Antichrist. He came to Zacharias, declaring that John the Baptist would be the trailblazer of the Messiah. He was likely the messenger who spoke to Joseph in a dream, although his name is not mentioned. And in the Annunciation, he shattered the silence of history with the proclamation of the Incarnation.
Gabriel’s role was always the same—to announce, to illuminate, to expose.
It is three things currently occurring right this very moment in American history, and we are all being given the opportunity to partake.
Angels in America Today
Gabriel announced the Incarnation of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Today, we are witnessing the re-incarnation of something akin to it—the disclosure of truths long buried by the deep state.
They lied and continue to double down about JFK’s assassination.
They lied and continue to double down about January 6.
They lied and continue to double down about Russia, Ukraine, Syria, and every other nation on the planet it seems.
They lied and continue to double down about COVID-19, even though admittedly that seems to be the most difficult for them—because We the People actually stood up.
Lie after lie after lie—only in recent years, ever so slowly in trickles with the occasional wave, is the truth leaking through.
In a world driven by deception, truth tellers are always targeted first. And America has been drowning in deception for generations. Once a nation forgets the messengers of God, it stops hearing the message of God. It is what makes the current exposure campaign so sad for me as a brother in Christ–so many are missing it entirely.
They want to see it in a bullet and an ear and a stage in Butler, PA, but that’s where it ends.
The intelligence agencies, the media, the global financial elite—these forces don’t just manipulate narratives. They create entire realities. They manufacture history, rewriting events before the ink is even dry. And they have worked tirelessly to ensure that the supernatural—especially the presence and power of angels—is dismissed as fantasy.
Why? Because truth exposes power. And as long as the enemy can keep enough Americans asleep, the assumption is that Trump’s great exposure campaign will fail because the only ones paying attention to it are the “nutters.” Those who work to engage with the stories as they happen are shunned until an unprescribed later date when Trump or Tucker–or more correctly the two dimensional pixelated images of Trump or Tucker– say something is true.
That’s when they’ll believe it.
“I’ll know when everyone else around me knows and then I can be sure.”
This is the war for reality playing out in real time. And yet, for so many Americans, nothing is true until “someone they recognize” says it. On Friday Peter Doocy asked Trump just to tell us point blank who killed JFK because no one has time to sift through thousands of pages, and you know what Trump said?
Basically that the American people need to figure it out on their own. He did his part. Now it’s their turn.
He also said this, in his typical mysterious way—not to be clandestine or elusive, but to invite Americans to actually care about their own freedom and discover some things for themselves:
How many of us have been saying that–and more?
Too many people are assuming Trump is going to fix everything and we can just go back to our bread and circuses, forgetting that 2028 will arrive before we know it. I’ve long been cautioning that this battlefield must include us, not just Trump and those he appoints. The court of public opinion is more than just about mandate for Trump; it is about our own dignity, our own dog inside that won’t be satisfied with only a bone.
The blind trust even in a Trump or a Tucker is not truth-seeking. That’s just another flavor of mind control, even though neither man may have any intention on it being so. Real truth requires more than just passive consumption. It demands discernment. It demands engagement. It demands that we be smart enough to realize the enemy is everywhere trying to memory hole tomorrow’s history on us. It’s what I find Trump quite frequently tries to cultivate. And conversely, it’s exactly what the ruling powers don’t want us to have.
St Gabriel’s appearance to Mary was not just a spiritual event. It was a declaration of war. The Incarnation was the greatest threat to Satan’s dominion, and it began with an angel delivering divine intelligence. For decades, centuries even, a different kind of intelligence has ruled the world, one built on the same lies and deception Christ talks about in the Gospel of John, Chapter 8. Americans have long been told a version of history that serves the interests of those in control, hiding the fifth column inside virtually every level of government and every cultural organization.
Now, for the first time in generations, that veil is being lifted beyond the conspiracy theories. Documents once buried are coming to light. Testimonies long suppressed are emerging. The scale of deception is becoming undeniable–for those blessed enough to see it.
It is, in a way, an annunciation of its own—a revelation that forces us to confront the reality of what diabolical forces we have lived under for so long.
The story of Naaman in 4 Kings 5:1-15 (Douay-Rheims)–today’s Lesson in the Traditional Mass worldwide–carries wisdom about truth that is just as relevant now for Americans still on the fence on whether to join the information war or not. Naaman, a powerful Syrian commander, was a leper. He had access to wealth, influence, and military might, yet none of it could cure him. He was blind to the truth that his healing would come not from power, but from obedience.
When the prophet Eliseus told him to wash in the Jordan seven times, Naaman scoffed. He wanted a grand display, a miracle on his own terms. The truth was too simple for him to accept.
Only when he humbled himself and obeyed did he receive healing.
This is exactly where America–the Peter Doocys of the world– stands today. It is exactly where doubters who didn’t do the work fall. They have a choice: humility or pride.
Mary responded to the angel Gabriel with humility.
The truth is in front of us. The lies of our institutions, the manipulation of history, the reality of the deep state—it’s all being exposed. Shocking perhaps, but it’s there. But many refuse to accept it. They want the truth to fit their expectations, their pre-packaged narratives. They want it to arrive in a way that doesn’t require them to change their understanding of the world.
They want Trump to “just tell them.”
Just like the zealots of old were wanting Jesus to be something he wasn’t and didn’t come to be.
The truth, when it comes, is often humbling. That is of course if we allow God to show us. And once we open ourselves to that, the truth demands action, perhaps a complete overhaul of our spiritual lives and our understanding of what reality entails.
Final Thoughts
St Gabriel did not ask permission to announce the Incarnation. He did not wait for the world to be ready. He simply declared the truth. The Annunciation was the beginning of the end for the reign of darkness. It shattered the silence of history and set in motion the victory of the Cross.
The flood of revelations we are witnessing—about intelligence operations, government corruption, and the hidden history of America—mirrors the unveiling of truth that the angel Gabriel brought to Mary. And just as Gabriel’s message was met with resistance from the forces of darkness, the modern revelation of truth is being fought at every turn.
The exposure of the deep state, the collapse of the false narratives, the unraveling of controlled history—this is no accident. It is happening because deception always has an expiration date. The agencies that controlled history for decades are in panic mode. They are scrambling to discredit, to deflect, to distract. The structures built on lies are crumbling. The manipulators are losing control. The false world they created is collapsing under the weight of reality–not the one seen, but the one unseen.
But exposure alone is not enough. Just as Mary did not merely hear Gabriel’s words but embraced them fully, we must not only see the truth but act on it.
That means rejecting the systems that have enslaved us. It means refusing to participate in the deception. It means restoring the spiritual foundations that were abandoned.
And above all, it means preparing for what comes next.
They know that truth is a force they cannot stop—only delay.
But this is where the real battle lies.
The Annunciation was not just about the revelation of Truth from the top down–it was about the reception of it from below. Mary, in her humility, a mere creature in the midst of a divine messenger, responded with her Fiat: “Be it done unto me according to thy word.” She accepted the truth fully, without compromise.
The question is—will we?
If America is to recover, if it is to take advantage of this miraculous window of exposure being afforded to us, we must do more than depend on someone else to tell us when to wake up and what to think. We must recover the divine order that has been abandoned–firstly inside ourselves. That means bringing back the angels—not as sentimental figures, but as the warriors of God that they are, as the defenders of our souls and of the truth imprinted on us at our creation.
It means invoking St Michael, the great defender, in the battle against deception.
It means remembering St Raphael, the healer, as we face the spiritual sickness of a nation that has lost its way.
And it means today, on this great feast day, turning to St Gabriel, the herald of truth, and recognizing that we are in the midst of an annunciation of our own—a moment where truth is breaking through the darkness.
This isn’t just a moment in history.
This isn’t just about politics.
This is about the war between truth and lies, between good and evil, against Truth himself. Satan’s forces are working overtime to bury that truth, just as they’ve always done. May we look to the Annunciation as the miracle it is, and as inspiration to seek out our own message, our own special voice of God saying, this way.
May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.