Trump, Musk, & Weather Control–You Don’t Have to Understand It All to Understand It All

IN THE WAKE of Elon Musk’s entry onto the Trump stage in Butler, PA on Saturday, I wanted to provide the latest reminder that this alliance goes back a long way.

And could be a reason for great hope–if we keep their roles in perspective in relation to Christ.

In my estimation, one of the very binary traps we are learning to break has been used as a psyop–from the good side–on the American people. I know that sounds horrible, but let’s face it, much of the slavery we’ve been under has been of our own making.

Knots have to be undone in reverse order.

As one point that I can’t prove but seems likely, Donald Trump’s Truth Social social media account coincided almost exactly with Musk’s takeover of Twitter/X in 2022. Add to this fact a little fake public squabble, and you had your typical Cowboys and Indians binary Americans have come to live by. You can’t root for Auburn and Alabama at the same time. For the world, on the surface to the casual observer, it seemed that Trump and Musk were rivals.

I was on Truth Social for a while and still am just to see what’s going on. I could be wrong, but all I seem to ever see there is MAGA nation pumping themselves up in a sort of echo chamber. I could be wrong, but it seems it was never meant to compete with Twitter/X. It seems it was meant to keep the base on fire while X would come to handle the heavy information dissemination lifting.

Unless I’ve just missed it, Truth Social does not have nearly the information capacity and power Twitter/X has proven to have. And part of that power comes from the “Twitter Files” Musk began releasing back when conspiracy theories were still conspiracy theories.

Wait till all of that cycles back around into the information dissemination process again. Those Files are loaded.

Getting back to the Trump-Musk “squabble,” it was all a little too forced for comfort in my book. I had studied Trump and his quirky ways going back to 2020, ways that pointed to an asymmetrical manner of fighting a war, ways that aligned with the tenants of the Art of War. I sensed something was up. That is why I started following Musk with a flurry of articles in May 2022 and have continued to cover his role in the information war since then. Here is the latest, posted in August, and I invite you to click on some of the links to older articles I provide inside it:

Trump & Musk: A Dance That Goes Way Back

If you haven’t already, it is time to start trusting the people who have been putting the work in. Not for our good necessarily, but for yours and our country’s.

Knowing that my work on this goes back so far and comprises around ten articles may help you continue to trust this brand new world we are being awakened to. My penchant of showing previous work is both a product of having to present more than ample evidence in earning a Master’s Degree in English inside a woke liberal institution, and of genuinely wanting my neighbors to wake up en masse so we can advance this cause more quickly for Christ.

Musk has certainly done that in ways and to a level I will never achieve.

Kash Patel, part of the Trump team both then and now, point blank said that Musk was under contract by the Department of Defense. Department of Defense, you ask? What does a social media site have to do with defending a nation, with war?

It has everything to do with it. It is why I concentrate so much on the term “information war” in the first place, which is really just political front terminology to awaken people to the shadow spiritual war raging ever-increasingly less and less behind the scenes.

Just look at Helene and Milton, and everything seemingly political that branches off of them–including our government’s favor of Middle East concerns over our own–as proof.


The Weather Channel Talks Weather Control, Lasers

MAUI: “Make Oprah Eat That Ten Million.”

See this post below and follow the thread of comments. This is where Musk and X have shifted the war. This is where the artillery is being brandished. This is where the bots were once flooding social media and Americans’ understanding of “truth” before Musk took over–including for the 2020 election, including for weather control, including for the truth about the Middle East, including for everything. Our entire reality has been shaped for us.

And remember what I preach about the ad hominem fallacy: disregard the person saying it. You don’t have to like MTG to glean what she is warning about. It is the message that is important, not the messenger; it is yet another spell we’ve been put under by Hollywood, the music industry, and the sports world. We love our stars. We love our figures on the screen. We identify with two-dimensional individuals, and have for decades now made our political and spiritual decisions based on whether we’re on Team Jacob or Team Edward.

We as a people have become very stupid, if you sit there and really think about what we’ve allowed to happen to us.

Here is a second item to consider:

And finally, despite the seemingly unrelated title, this Friday post includes a wealth of valuable information concerning natural tragedies and the evils of politics. It’ll continue to show you why they lie about climate chaos–it’s all a front:

Dan Bongino Links ‘Diddy’ to Hillary, and Other Things This and That

There are literally hundreds and thousands of posts and comments on X filled with evidence concerning the very real evil of weather warfare. And you certainly don’t want to let one or two potentially wrong leads or evidences make you blow up the whole belief system. That is going to happen in information warfare. Nature of the beast. Accept it. Especially embrace new paths that could emerge, such as this:

See where the dots are generally coalescing. One of the most important paradoxes you can live by as you fight this war is this: You don’t have to understand everything to understand everything. X is the place to find the lighthouse in the storm, the signal in the noise as one researcher puts it, and we must take every single possibility seriously, considering what we now know–beyond a shadow of a doubt–concerning what evil the Deep State cabal is capable of in so many different areas of our lives.

It is up to you whether you choose to see it or not.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.



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