VIDEO: Mike Johnson Was Too Nice To George Stephanopoulos

This isn’t a shot at Johnson. He was good during the nine-minute segment with ABC News’ Democrat propagandist George Stephanopoulos – at least by the standards of normal American politics.

Johnson blasted out a fusillade of facts and reason. Was Stephanopoulos interested?

Hell, no.

He started off asking Johnson about something Eric Trump said on Saturday, which was that the Democrats have ginned up assassins who have tried twice to take out his father.

Stephanopoulos took the position that everybody agrees we should be toning down the political rhetoric in the country, and why is Eric Trump running around accusing Democrats of trying to kill his father? And he dropped that stupid question on Johnson.

Johnson talked around it, as he should have. It’s a bad-faith question.

We would have loved it if Johnson had said “Your side has been ginning up crazies to kill Republican politicians for the better part of a decade. Why wouldn’t my side be talking about that? In the last two and a half months there have been two assassination attempts against President Trump and there was a plot to kill all six conservative Supreme Court justices. A couple of years ago a guy tried to stab Lee Zeldin to death when he was stumping for governor in New York. Somebody else tried to kill Brett Kavanaugh. My friend Steve Scalise was damn near killed by a Bernie Bro on a baseball practice field. And you think none of that is ginned up by your side calling us Nazis and fascists and claiming we’re a threat to democracy? Eric Trump can say whatever the hell he wants. I think he’s got that right, and I’m not going to condemn him for it; there’s a lot of truth in what he’s saying.

“And if you don’t like it, maybe it’s time for some introspection on your part, where you consider just how far gone your side is that they’ve generated this kind of distrust from somebody like Eric, who’s by no means some sort of wild-haired lunatic.”

It’s not that his answer was bad or anything. It’s that somebody needs to put Stephanopoulos in his place for wasting the Speaker of the House’s time with a moronic, bad-faith question like that.

But despite the fact Johnson was polite and earnest in talking around the question and noting he was happy to discuss real things, Stephanopoulos then made things even worse by asking Johnson whether Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

Which is a special fetish of the Democrat propaganda media that was on display last week in the vice presidential debate when it was thrown in J.D. Vance’s face. Vance pivoted to censorship and the threat to democracy that it poses as his answer, which was a good way to avoid being tossed in that pit.

So now it was Johnson’s turn to be raked over the coals with this sophistry.

Yes, Georgie, Joe Biden won the election in 2020. He’s the current president. Everyone is well aware of that sad fact. But better than half the country is concerned that the standards under which the 2020 election was conducted were far below those we’re accustomed to in this republic, and there are major, colossal unresolved issues surrounding election integrity which popped up four years ago.

Stephanopoulos acted horrified that Trump would say the Democrats will try to steal the 2024 election. But if that’s such a lie, why is it that you can’t get Democrats to agree to voter ID laws? Why did they so vociferously oppose the SAVE Act, which would put teeth into enforcing a ban of non-citizens voting? Why did, up until not long ago, the Democrats’ ActBlue donation platform fail to contain a CVV code so that campaign contributions made through ActBlue would be traceable to insure they didn’t violate campaign finance laws (and specifically, laws against foreigners contributing to political action committees and candidates)? Why do Democrats oppose the passage of laws forbidding private contributions to elections offices – otherwise known as Zuckerbucks bills? Why do they oppose efforts to keep voter rolls clean of dead people, fictional characters and those who have moved away?

Every major election integrity initiative in the past 15 years has run into full-throated opposition by Democrats, and everything they’ve done since Barack Obama became the leader of the Democrat Party has been aimed at downgrading the integrity and security of elections – from ballot harvesting to mail-in ballots, to letting non-citizens vote in local elections, to voter registration at welfare offices and on and on, all of it is about polluting the voter rolls and making it easier to cheat.

Everybody knows this. Nobody paid any attention to it until Trump began claiming the election was rigged. Strangely enough, Democrats have contested every election won by GOP presidential candidates in this century – in 2000, 2004 and in 2016 they went absolutely ballistic over losing. Stephanopoulos didn’t bother bringing up Hillary Clinton’s insane rantings over losing to Trump, largely because Hillary Clinton is an embarrassment even for a Clinton sycophant and spin doctor like Stephanopoulos. But why can’t the public evaluate Trump’s statements on the 2020 election in light of her claims?

Johnson didn’t take the fight to Stephanopoulos in any of these veins, though he did note that people tell him they’re concerned about election integrity everywhere he goes as he campaigns for GOP House candidates. And he’s right to say so. He’s also right when he says the “who won 2020?” question is a “gotcha” question asked in bad faith, and that Stephanopoulos was wasting the time of the Speaker of the House to ask him trash questions like that.

Last week, discussing the fact the legacy corporate Democrat propaganda media was doing its best to suppress news of the failed response to Hurricane Helene, Buck Sexton said that you can’t possibly hate these people enough. In nine minutes Stephanopoulos proved Sexton’s point. Everything he could have asked Johnson about and those are the two questions he chooses.

This ought to be Mike Johnson’s last appearance on that show until Stephanopoulos is removed. It isn’t a terrible idea to boycott ABC News’ advertisers, either, though ABC News isn’t an independent arm of Disney.

Maybe the best response would be to break up Disney altogether and see if ABC is able to survive on its own. If this is the best it can offer on its Sunday news show, the guess is that answer is negative.



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