And Now Libya

The big news of the day isn’t that Al Qaeda sympathizers stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo and ran up an Al Qaeda flag after desecrating our flag.

No, instead this is the big news of the day…

That’s the body of Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, being dragged through the streets after 20 jihadists stormed our consulate in Benghazi with rocket-propelled grenades. Stevens and three other Americans jumped in a car in an attempt to get away from the consulate, and the car was fired upon by the attackers – killing the other three.

Stevens wasn’t shot to death. Oh, no. Stevens was suffocated to death. Apparently somebody put a plastic bag over his head and watched him die. Then they dragged him through the streets.

At the moment our Secretary of State, who was the driving force in our government behind the grand idea to back the local Al Qaeda affiliate in overthrowing Muammar Qaddafi, is giving a speech extolling the virtues of the Libyans who helped fight the attackers and apparently saved the lives of the other workers at the consulate. Those Libyans, according to CBS news, indicated to the “protestors” where Stevens and the other Americans were, making it easier to trap him.

Can we now say that the Arab Spring is a bust? Can we agree that jumping on board with the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak in Libya and Egypt was a reckless and stupid idea? Can we also say that promoting “democracy” in countries where the majority of the population is illiterate, wicked and wants jihad against America is a mistake?

The foremost promoters of modern democracy were the American Founding Fathers, and they were absolutely terrified of the idea that an uneducated, immoral mob would run a country. Their writings were very clear on that point, and in many cases they restricted the franchise to landowners for that very purpose.

There is mob rule in Libya and Egypt. Those places are out of control. And the population is teeming with jihadists.

We took the lid off that rancid meal, and now we’re eating it.

To Ambassador Stevens, and the three American patriots who died along with him, rest in peace. They are martyrs for this country.

This is only the beginning, unfortunately. We might be done with the war against salafist Islam, but salafist Islam isn’t done with the war against us. And like idiots, we’ve helped the bad guys since 2009. Today there are consequences.



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