Obama Plays The Voice Of Wisdom And Experience As He Concern-Trolls Romney

So yesterday there was our president taking shots at Mitt Romney on his purported lack of judgement…

One might be charitable and say that perhaps Mr. Obama learned to measure his statements after he stepped on his crank with “the police acted stupidly.” Or maybe “the private sector is doing fine.” Or “You didn’t build that.”

Or maybe he hasn’t learned a thing. Because there was this right after the CBS interview with a different channel…

Not an ally, and expresses uncertainty as to what Egypt will do with respect to its treaty obligations with Israel.

Strangely, that’s something different than what this administration had to say about Egypt under the ruler we helped to get rid of…

OK, OK, that was Joe Biden. He makes more sense with biker chicks in his lap, so maybe that’s not a good example.

Hey, what’s this?

A “Stalwart” ally?

So, President Obama The Wise just admitted last night that under his watch Egypt went from a “Stalwart” ally who could be counted on for peace with Israel to “not an ally” we can’t trust any longer not to go to war with the Israelis who most certainly are our allies.

And he’s giving a billion dollars a year of tax dollars we absolutely do not have to spend, on “not an ally” Egypt.

While they offer up a weak-beer apology for the storming of our embassy and the desecration of our flag by a mob led by Ayman Al-Zawahiri’s little brother. You guys know who Zawahiri is, right? The guy who runs Al Qaeda?

Oh – and that “apology” was more like a threat. National Review’s Andy McCarthy explains

Reuters reports that Egypt’s prime minister, Hisham Kandil, has magnanimously said the U.S. government should not be blamed for the film about Mohammed that is the latest pretext for Islamic supremacist savagery. And is Egypt’s government sorry about the attack on our embassy? No. Kandil says the attack was “regrettable” — but not because rioting over a film is barbaric. Rather, it is “regrettable” because “the people who produced this low film have no relation to the (U.S.) government.” So rioting against the filmmakers is fine, and if there were any nexus to the government, rioting at our embassy would be fine, too.

. . . Which brings us to the second part of Kandil’s statement: “We ask the American government to take a firm position toward this film’s producers within the framework of international charters that criminalize acts that stir strife on the basis of race, color or religion.” Translation: We’re not holding the American government responsible … yet — but if it fails to punish the filmmakers, then all that “regrettable” stuff might not be so regrettable.

The Obama administration has brought this on itself, and the rest of us, by elevating sharia blasphemy standards over the First Amendment. As I explain in Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, the State Department is working with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a bloc of 57 Muslim governments, to impose a resolution demanding that all nations enact laws against condemning not only incitement to violence based on religion, but also incitement to discrimination orhostility to religion.

It is no secret that Islamic law brutally punishes what it regards as blasphemy — any insult to Islam or its prophet, no matter how slight. Yet Obama has raised the expectations of Egypt’s government that he stands with them on this principle. In fact, in 2011, his State Department went so far as to host the OIC’s “High Level Meeting on Combating Religious Intolerance.”

How is this anything but an abject foreign policy failure? And why is it that for Romney to point out that the craven statement of our embassy there while the Egyptians allow Al Qaeda sympathizers to run riot outside (or inside, if you prefer) our sovereign territory was ill-befitting the United States is somehow unwise?

And who is Obama to serve as the arbiter of wisdom considering the mess he’s made?



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