VIDEO: Reagan’s Soviet Jokes

This is old, but we figured it was worth passing along in case our readers hadn’t seen it.

President Reagan had a hobby of sorts, of collecting jokes the Soviets would tell amongst themselves about how bad things were in their country – and he delighted in telling them as a way of ridiculing the Evil Empire for its shoddy performance. They weren’t necessarily mean jokes, and they weren’t overly political. Most of them were pretty lighthearted or even tame by modern standards.

But as a rhetorical device they were devastatingly effective, because it was through those jokes – not jokes Americans came up with about how terrible the quality of life in the Soviet Union was but jokes the Soviets told amongst themselves – that Reagan could make an effective case about the evils of socialism and communism. And he most certainly made an effective case – so effective, in fact, that Reagan was able to win the Cold War without even firing a shot.

The conservative movement would do well to copy Reagan’s style in fighting the new Cold War against the statist Left that exists in our own country.



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