Michelle Obama’s Creepy Topeka Speech

If you haven’t heard what our First Lady said in Kansas, now you’ll know why there were people seeking to keep her off the podium…

First lady Michelle Obama is encouraging students to monitor their older relatives, friends and co-workers for any racially insensitive comments they might make, and to challenge those comments whenever they’re made.

The first lady spoke on Friday to graduating high school students in Topeka, Kansas, and in remarks released over the weekend, Obama said students need to police family and friends because federal laws can only go so far in stopping racism.

“[O]ur laws may no longer separate us based on our skin color, but nothing in the Constitution says we have to eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods,” she said. “There’s no court case against believing in stereotypes or thinking that certain kinds of hateful jokes or comments are funny.”

Who thinks Michelle Obama even has a clue about history? We’re torn on the question.

It’s perhaps comforting to believe that she is a blithering ignoramus who, despite degrees from Princeton and Harvard Law, hasn’t the faintest clue that the two most famous examples of socialist government her husband is constantly accused of moving America toward – namely, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia – were both marked by the practice of having children serve as enforcers of the state within the household.

Is it possible Michelle Obama is unaware that she’s making herself look like a Soviet commissar by suggesting kids enforce their parents’ political correctness?

The other explanation would be that the First Lady knows damn good and well the implications of what she just said, and is perfectly comfortable borrowing a page from the Nazis and Bolsheviks. That she’s a liberal fascist, in Jonah Goldberg’s formulation – the American version doesn’t use jackboots, the gulag and midnight knocks on the door, but rather cultural Marxism, political correctness and “sensitivity training” to discipline the public. Which means she can claim that she never suggested kids turn their racist parents in to the government, so it’s totally different than what the mean Nazis used to do.

But the program is the same. It’s the state indoctrinating kids to reject the traditions and worldview of their parents.

America’s first liberal fascist president was Woodrow Wilson, the former president of Princeton – Michelle Obama’s undergraduate alma mater. While president of that university, this was Wilson’s “progessive” concept of education: “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.”

By the time Wilson was done as president of the United States, some 175,000 Americans had spent time as political prisoners and he was practicing something called “War Socialism” in the midst of World War I.

No, we’re not practicing guilt by association here. We’re asking a question: is Michelle Obama so ignorant of history that she would unwittingly stir echoes of the most destructive regimes in world history and attach them to her husband, or is she perfectly comfortable hinting at Obama Youth-style intrusions into families?

The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher supplies the perfect parting thought…

Oh, if only we could control what other people think and feel. But until that magic day arrives, all we can do is set people against each other based on race, under the guise of “fighting racism.”

I wonder if this extends toward hateful jokes or comments about white people? Or is that simply considered social justice? After all, those hillbillies have got it coming for possessing the same skin tone as other people who’ve said and done bad things.



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