Huckabee Endorses Cassidy

Former Arkansas Governor and Fox News host Mike Huckabee endorsed Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) today for the United States Senate. Cassidy is the likely Republican challenger to Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), who has been in Washington DC since 1997.

Huckabee, departing from former Alaska Governor and conservative leader Sarah Palin, who endorsed Col. Rob Maness months ago, said Cassidy’s work as a medical doctor plays an important role in the fight against Obamacare, which Landrieu infamously supports.

“Dr. Cassidy has spent nearly three decades treating patients in a hospital for the uninsured,” said Huckabee. “His time there taught him that when the government has the power, patients suffer. That’s why Dr. Cassidy opposed Obamacare and put forward free-market alternatives that will empower patients, not Washington. Dr. Cassidy’s record of service and his Christian faith make him a powerful messenger of Louisiana values and conservative reform in Washington. I’m excited to help him win this election.”

Cassidy said he was honored to receive Huckabee’s endorsement, saying that the Fox News host is a conservative reformer and how he wants to win the Senate race to change the direction of Washington.

“I have long admired Governor Huckabee’s record of service and his voice for conservative reform,” said Cassidy. “I’m honored to have his support. This race is about building coalitions, something Governor Huckabee did successfully in Arkansas and in his campaign for president. In Louisiana, we are also committed to reaching out to every voters and asking them to support our goal of changing the direction in Washington.”

The endorsement comes as another blow to Maness, who recently lost the endorsements of the St. Tammany Republican Parish Executive Committee (RPEC), which he is part of, and the Jefferson Parish RPEC to Cassidy, who has been also been endorsed by the Louisiana GOP.



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