Low Popahirum, National Edition (7-21-14)

“Yesterday, secretary of State John Kerry was on FoxNews Sunday, and when not lambasting Chris Wallace for having the temerity to actually ask him questions rather than take dictation which is what typically happens when an Obama official appears on one of the Sunday shows he expressed concern about Israel’s ongoing operations in Gaza.” – RedState

“The Republican National Committee should censure the committeeman from Mississippi, Henry Barbour, and perhaps request (although not demand) his resignation from the RNC. Barbour’s apparent involvement with nakedly race-baiting ads and robocalls during the GOP senatorial primary runoff in his state, and his prevarications afterwards both in public and in e-mails to other committee members, merit an official public shaming.” – Quin Hillyer/National Review

“In an appearance on Sunday’s Meet the Press, Secretary of State John Kerry informed the nation that he was displeased with America’s insufficiently impressed response to President Barack Obama’s handling of America’s foreign policy.” – Hot Air

“This gives Obama confidence that the U.S. and EU can prevail over Putin in the short-run — overcoming European reluctance to expand sanctions — just as the Obama administration believes it will prevail in the long-run over a Russia that has a battered economy and a leader who is overplaying a weak hand, the officials said.” – Bloomberg

“President Obama declared Monday that ‘the burden is now on Russia‘ to demand open and unfettered access to the crash site of the downed Malaysia Airlines passenger jet from Eastern Ukrainian militants.” – The Hill

“Texas media outlets are reporting Texas Governor Rick Perry is preparing to deploy the Texas National Guard to portions of the Texas/Mexico border.” – Breitbart

“There’s a fascinating short piece in The Economist this week about how socialism causes higher levels of lying among people who live under socialist rule.  Yes, I know, this is an obvious explanation for the twisted views of Paul Krugman and Elizabeth Warren, who are merely getting a head start on the rest of us with their fondness for socialism. (By the way, Warren put out her ’11 Commandment of Progressivism’ the other day.  Richard Samuelson points out the obvious—that God only gave 10 to Moses.  Please please we need this woman to run in 2016.)” – Power Line

United Nations officials handed Hamas missiles found last week in a U.N.-run school in Gaza to the Palestinian government, according to a Western diplomat familiar with the case who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.” – Washington Free Beacon

“I have a sensitive, inconvenient, and undoubtedly politically incorrect question: Why aren’t there more gay people?” – Robert Tracinski/The Federalist

Fighting flared in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Monday as investigators began to inspect the bodies of victims of the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 last week.” – Reuters



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