Cassie Felder Is Out And She’s Supporting Dan Claitor…

…which is a major shock.

Not really.

After all, it was Claitor’s old law partner Chandler Loupe (he of the Baton Rouge Metro Council) who served as Felder’s lawyer in her suit against political consultants Jason Hebert and Scott Hobbs. If that seemed a bit cozy, today we have an explanation.

Today, I officially suspend my campaign and proudly endorse State Senator Dan Claitor. I urge you to support Dan with your votes, your network, and your energy. The love and support I’ve gotten along the way during my campaign leaves me humbled beyond all expectation. I have such gratitude for each person who supported me, whether financially, or even with a simple kind word, that it’s difficult to express.

But I’m not done. The goal remains, and that is to put the right person in Congress to represent Louisiana’s 6th district, and he is Dan Claitor. I’ve gotten to know him well on the trail, and I he is, without doubt, your best choice. He is honest, forthright, experienced, and ethical. I ask you to give your fullest support to him now, as I do.

Thank you all again so much. I look forward to seeing you in the district, across the state, and serving you.

With joy and gratitude,

Cassie Felder

Felder is the second candidate to drop out of the race and endorse Claitor. Norman Clark did the same last month.

Does this affect the race? It might, if you believe the polling which shows Claitor, Paul Dietzel and Garret Graves are basically neck-and-neck-and-neck in their fight to make the runoff against Edwin Edwards for the 6th District seat. Felder probably only carried one or two percent of the vote, but if she throws it to Claitor that might help him squeeze past Dietzel and Graves.

Perhaps a more interesting question is what it does to Felder’s lawsuit against The Political Firm. Since she has dropped out of the race, is that lawsuit moot? And politically, would it be a positive or negative for Claitor now that Felder is in his camp?

We’ll have to see how those items play out.




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