Karen Carter Peterson Hell-Bent On Medicaid Expansion

Though Medicaid expansion, as part of complying with Obamacare throughout the states, has been turned down numerous times, Louisiana Democratic Chairwoman State Sen. Karen Carter Peterson (D-New Orleans) is still trying to push the issue.

Peterson filed legislation that she has pushed before, which would leave Medicaid expansion across the state in the hands of Louisiana voters.

Under Peterson’s proposal, the state’s Department of Health and Human Services would be mandated to offer health insurance to individuals who are 138 percent under the poverty line.

Conservatives, who vehemently opposed Medicaid expansion, argue the move to accept expansion would tie the state to the federal government for all the wrong reasons, as the expansion is exclusively paid for by the feds.

Most interesting is that Peterson has been pushing Medicaid expansion for years now, though it has failed to gain traction and support every year.

But, when it comes to Obamacare, Peterson is the first Democrat in the state to say that Republicans are ridiculous for attempting to repeal it more than 40 times.

Nonetheless, is it ridiculous that Peterson has continued to push Medicaid expansion, though it has been turned down again and again?



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