Can The States Save The Country From Washington?

In the past I have been skeptical of an Article V Convention in order enact a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But I find myself more supportive of it.

I just attended a seminar put on by Compact for America at Freedom Fest which lays out a process to have an Article V Convention that I can get behind. What the compact does outline exactly what amendment will be adopted and even includes the exact text. It also lays out an orderly process to organize the convention.

The compact eliminates my biggest fear of an Article V Convention, which is a runaway convention hijacked by the Left to alter and/or abolish our form of government. The convention would only be called if the 38 states agree to the compact outlining the convention process and amendment.

I don’t see Congress in its current form enacting a serious Balanced Budget Amendment that is necessary at this point to rein in spending. The states will have to act to save the country from its political class.

What the proposed Balanced Budget Amendment would do is require the government to operate on a cash basis. The government would only be allowed to spend exactly what it took in. It would also create a supermajority to raise taxes, except for “closing loopholes.” If the government wanted to increase its debt limit, it would have to get a majority of the states to agree to it within 60 days.

Here’s another thing I like about this compact, it begins to restore the federalism that was weakened by the adoption of the 17th Amendment. It gives state governments a say in national policy for the first time since then.

I hope the Louisiana Legislature will adopt the compact next year and begin the process of bringing Federal spending under control.



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