AND A LITTLE MORE: Y’know this thing has gone big-time when the Taiwanese start makin’ fun of it…
ANOTHER UPDATE: We can’t help ourselves.
Oh, and…
UPDATE: Now that ol’ Bobby’s gotten himself good and fired over the whole business with his mistress getting a job and a motorbike ride which blowed up on him when he couldn’t handle the reacharound, we’ve got this…
ORIGINAL: The Bobby Petrino motorcycle ride and subsequent career implosion is just too good not to make fun of.
It’s nasty to do it. I know that. It’s Schadenfreude, or whatever that German word is for “sucks to be you, guy.”
But here’s the thing. Petrino is a dick. And this is too good. Plus, there are some ARTISTS out there. Here, see?
This one doesn’t move, but we like it anyway…
And then there’s the post-crash scene…
More as we find ’em.
UPDATE: We found some more…
And then there’s this…
This one you’ll have to watch carefully…
This might be my favorite…
How ’bout a little music?