Peterson E-Mail: Help Us Push Jindal Into Putting More On The Gov’t Dole

In the wake of last Friday’s speech in New Orleans by President Obama, in which the embattled Democrat attempted to shame Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal into expanding Medicaid and was sharply rebuked by Jindal for having done so, state senator and Louisiana Democrat Party chair Karen Carter Peterson has a new message out to the party faithful.

It’s a little less subtle than Obama’s message was…

Last week President Barack Obama advocated for Louisiana to invest in its people by accepting federal dollars — our tax dollars that we’ve already sent to Washington — for expanded access to Medicaid health insurance. As he has done on many occasions, Gov. Bobby Jindal rejected this offer of help for Louisiana, claiming the president was attempting to “bully” Louisiana.

Since when is it “bullying” to plead for elected officials to do the right thing and care for their citizens?

Jindal claims that Medicaid expansion would cost the state money, but he’s dead wrong. If he had supported Medicaid expansion, it would’ve saved the state about $100 million this fiscal year.

In the upcoming legislative session, Louisiana Democrats will continue to push for expanded access to affordable health care for Louisiana’s working families.

Would you please take a few moments to contact your state legislators and let them know you support accepting federal Medicaid dollars for expanded access to health insurance?

Talking about important issues isn’t bullying. It’s politics. And the only people who are truly being “bullied” are the hundreds of thousands of uninsured Louisianians who are being denied access to affordable health care by Bobby Jindal.

Please contact your legislators today.

Thank you for your support,

Karen Carter Peterson
Chair, Louisiana Democratic Party

P.S. — Please forward this email to five friends and ask them to contact their legislators, too. We cannot allow another year to go by while hundreds of thousands of Louisianians fall into the “Jindal gap.”

With the ongoing collapse of Obamacare, does anybody really believe there will be an appetite for more government medicine in a Republican-dominated state legislature?

Peterson needs to pick some better battles than this if she wants to make her party competitive in the future.



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