“In another blow to federal election laws, the Supreme Court on Wednesday eliminated limits on the total amount people can donate to various political campaigns in a single election season. However, the court left intact the current $5,200 limit on how much an individual can give to any single candidate.” – CNN
“The Los Angeles Times reports Wednesday that a UCLA study showed that ‘Los Angeles has gone 23 years without job growth,’ losing 3.1% of the jobs it had in 1990–dead last among U.S. cities, even behind Detroit.” – Breitbart
“Nevertheless, Reid’s inaccurate nasty gram touched off a torrent of bile from Obamacare supporters, including this delightful care package Boonstra received in the mail.” – Hot Air
“The downfall of Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee of San Francisco should be an utterly captivating, fascinating story, and the national media should be sinking its teeth into the details. I joked when Yee was first arrested about how he is destined to be parodied in Grand Theft Auto. That was before the FBI’s report was even released. Now, I’m convinced the report could be the outline for an entire Grand Theft Auto installment (have they set a game in a parody of San Francisco yet?). Yee’s story of corruption, attempted gun-running and accusations of vote-selling (an undercover FBI agent posing as a medical marijuana clinic owner wanted him to support legislation introducing new barriers to entry for potential competition) is actually just a small part of a larger story about the crime scene in San Francisco. Beyond Lee’s role, the whole story (pdf) is full of drug transactions, stolen booze fencing, a home invasion by apparently Mexican gangsters, what appears to be counterfeit credit cards supplied by a Russian hacker, and more. It has everything. There’s even a money-laundering scene that takes place inside a massage parlor. It’s part FBI report, part Hollywood pitch.” – Reason
“Thousands of people who evacuated Chile’s low-lying coastal areas returned home on Wednesday morning after authorities called off a tsunami alarm as damage from a massive overnight earthquake seemed mostly limited.” – Reuters
“Question: Who are the most prominent public purveyors of Asian stereotypes and ethnic language-mocking in America? The right answer is liberal Hollywood and Democrats.” – Michelle Malkin/National Review
“Former CIA Director Michael Morell denied there was any cover-up or political influence in messaging of the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.” – POLITICO
“I’ve never liked the word diss—not as a verb, much less as a noun. But watching the Obama administration get the diss treatment the world over, week-in, week-out, I’m beginning to see its uses.” – Bret Stephens/WSJ
“The reality is that no one expects this budget document that pushes higher defense spending—and cuts and changes to Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and other social safety-net programs—really has any chance of becoming law. The Senate won’t take it up; Democrats who control the chamber aren’t even doing a budget of their own.” – National Journal
“Representative Ryan finds himself in much the same position as Senator Rand Paul: ready to lead, a bit short on followers. My recent pessimistic assessment of Senator Rand Paul’s presidential ambitions, and my equally pessimistic assessment of the political attractiveness of his (and my) libertarian tendencies more generally, has provoked remarkably intense and occasionally bitter discussion. Glenn Beck asked me why somebody who believes as I believe would write something like that. The answer is, because I believe it to be true. And it very likely is true of Representative Ryan’s bold budgetary vision as well.” – Kevin Williamson/National Review