This installment by Bill Whittle is about John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, comparing them to British historical figures like Benjamin Disraeli, William Gladstone and Winston Churchill who established what it is to be a leader of the loyal opposition. For those giants of British politics, there was never a question about their character, verve, passion and principle.
But for McConnell and Boehner, there have long been such questions. Neither display the kind of fight an opposition party needs, and neither are truly capable of articulating the difference between Republicans and Democrats. And that’s sad, because it’s never been easier to separate R’s from D’s in the public’s mind given the leftist ideology, abject corruption and pathetic performance of the Obamunists.
This is particularly true in the wake of McConnell’s waging war against Ben Sasse, the frontrunner in the Nebraska senate race, when there is little or no sense in doing so.
And so Whittle has a message for Boehner and McConnell: Enough already.