Low Popahirum, National Edition (6-18-14)

A new poll shows conservative state Sen. Chris McDaniel with a commanding 12-point lead the runoff election in Mississippi’s GOP primary over six-term incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS).” – Breitbart

“As usual, the Obama administration used its ‘release-bad-news-late-on-Friday’ routine for its latest jaw dropper: a claim by the IRS that it has lost external emails to and from Lois Lerner during the critical period of January 2009 to April 2011.” – Hans von Spakovsky/Daily Signal

“If those who disagree with the government are no longer allowed to exercise their political speech, then we have effectively tossed out the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. We no longer practice the democracy of Jefferson and Madison. We no longer keep Franklin’s republic. We go the way of so many other great democracies — like the kind that elected Julius Caesar emperor for life.” – Daily Caller

“The road to the White House could be paved with oil and gas for a trio of Republican presidential hopefuls. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal all come from states where fracking has created new jobs in the oil and gas industry. And if any of the Gulf State lawmakers launch a presidential bid, fracking will bolster their economic track record.” – National Journal

“In a major blow to the Washington Redskins, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Wednesday canceled six federal trademarks of the Washington Redskins team name because it was found to be ‘disparaging’ to Native Americans.” – POLITICO

“The sixth-year blues have caught up to Barack Obama … with a vengeance. In an NBC/WSJ poll taken before the meltdown in Iraq, Obama gets his lowest marks ever on foreign policy, where his claim to ‘smart power’ has evidently reached its expiration date. But the real danger to Obama and to Democrats vying for office in less than five months is the vote of no confidence in Obama’s leadership:” – Hot Air

“It is time the president and his allies faced some hard truths: America remains at war, and withdrawing troops from the field of battle while our enemies stay in the fight does not ‘end’ wars. Weakness and retreat are provocative. U.S. withdrawal from the world is disastrous and puts our own security at risk.” Dick Chaney and Liz Chaney/WSJ

“The First Lady recommended that schools make decisions for children because their parents struggle to feed their children well.” – Breitbart 

“Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.” – WND

“President Barack Obama has acted so unlawfully that he ‘probably’ wouldn’t survive an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives, Republican Rep. Lou Barletta told a radio host on Monday.” – UK Daily Mail



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