Low Popahirum, National Edition (7-8-14)

Republicans have picked Cleveland as the host city for their 2016 convention. Cleveland was declared the winner over runner-up Dallas by a 12-member site selection committee on Tuesday.” – The Hill 

“The Mississippi Republican Party said U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran won the state’s Republican primary runoff over challenger Chris McDaniel by 7,667 votes. The party sent results to the Secretary of State on Monday, the legal deadline.” – POLITICO

Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president. His unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, ‘no mas.'” – Sarah Palin/Breitbart

I don’t favor this impeachment talk because when Obama is on the ballot, Democrats win (their less-likely voters don’t care about other politicians, but they are personally invested in Obama, his actual person), and when Obama is not on the ballot, Republicans win. Speaking of impeachment effectively puts Obama on the ballot in November. I don’t wish him to be on the ballot.” – Ace of Spades

“I’ve always been a big sports fan, which explains why I have absolutely no interest in soccer. The fact is, I’d rather watch my accountant get his toenails clipped than take in a soccer game — and that includes the World Cup final, which I’m sure will be as scintillating as any other soccer game.” – Bernard Goldberg/National Review

“There are no Benghazi hearings on the House calendar, but the silence doesn’t mean the investigation is fading away. Rep. Trey Gowdy is launching a special committee to wrangle a probe that’s sprawled across the jurisdictions of multiple headline-hungry committee chairmen.” – POLITICO

Democrats are facing a tough choice. A big part of their base is the unions now facing off against such disruptive innovations as Uber, Lyft, Airbnb and charter schools. Do Democrats support the regulations pushed by taxi and other unions that help to protect the status quo but can also stifle competition? Or do they embrace innovative technologies and businesses that expand transportation options, create jobs and are increasingly welcomed by another key Democratic constituency: urban dwellers, particularly young urban dwellers?” – Grover Norquist and Patrick Gleason/Reuters

Israel came under a heavy barrage of rocket fire on Tuesday night, with code red sirens sounding off in central Israel, the Jerusalem area and as far North as Binyamina.” – Jerusalem Post

Calls are growing for GOP Chairman Reince Priebus to get involved after allegations continue to pile showing potential fraud and other illegal electioneering on behalf of Senator Thad Cochran (R-Ms.)” – Ali Akbar/Medium

Hillary Clinton has an answer to the question of whether America will turn into a monarchy if she — another Clinton — is elected president of the United States. “We had two Roosevelts. We had two Adams,” she tells the German magazine Der Spiegel. – Weekly Standard



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