Cassidy Calls Out Reid For Running Senate Like A ‘Plantation’ But Maness Wants An Apology

In a new interview with Environment and Energy Daily News today, Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) who is challenging Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) this November called out the longtime Senate Democrat, as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).

Cassidy spoke mainly about Landrieu in the context that she supports Reid and President Barack Obama’s agenda 95 percent of the time. Cassidy then described how he perceives the Senate under Reid, in which he said this:

Reid “runs the Senate like a plantation,” Cassidy said. “So instead of the world’s greatest deliberative body, it is his personal, sort of, ‘It goes if I say it does, if not it stops.’ Senator Landrieu’s first vote for him to be re-elected means that every other wish for a pro-oil and gas jobs bill is dead. Reid will never allow a pro-oil and gas jobs bill.”

For a Republican political candidate trying to defeat an incumbent Democrat, the quote is hard-hitting, as it designed to be. But, long-shot candidate Col. Rob Maness is demanding a public apology from Cassidy for “over-the-top” rhetoric.

“Congressman Cassidy may not realize this but the language he used included a term that is incredibly offensive to many Americans and he should immediately apologize,” said Maness in a news release. “It’s this type of over-the-top, out-of-bounds ignorance that drives so many people away from the Republican Party.  We need to be better than that.  We need to be the party of thoughtful ideas and common-sense reforms – not extreme rhetoric and ignorant comments.  We all make mistakes and when we do, we should have the fortitude to own up to them.”

Cassidy, though, is not backing away from the statement saying this in a statement to the Washington Post: “I wish there was as much offense taken by Harry Reid running the Senate dictatorially, not allowing any votes which he does not personally approve of and the result of which he does not endorse. Any other interpretation of my remarks is a false controversy designed to distract attention from policies which are demonstrably crushing jobs and taking our country in the wrong direction.”

This is not the first time Maness has called on Cassidy to retract non-politically correct thoughts.

Back in November of 2013, Cassidy’s campaign team tweeted a link to this Hayride News story, which focused on Landrieu’s voting record when it came to filibuster rules in the Senate. However, Maness demanded an apology from Cassidy because the photo that accompanies the commentary piece portrays Landrieu as the Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini.

Maness, himself, is no stranger to alleged “over-the-top” statements.

When Maness gave a speech at a Red State event last year in New Orleans, he was criticized by left-leaning blogs for implying that Landrieu would have been in favor of slavery and against women’s rights had she been around in the late 18th century. Here’s the transcript of what Maness said:

My  wife Candy and I have been blessed with 5 children and 2 grandchildren.

We’ve got a dog named Lady Abigail —named after the outspoken First Lady Abigail Adams.  Senator Landrieu might have called Mrs. Adams “obnoxious,” since she was opposed to slavery and favored women’s rights when both were unpopular ideas.

At the time, Maness’ spokesman said the accusation was “patently absurd.”



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