Two Other Things From That Debate Last Night

The majority of what I have can be found here, but I’ve neglected to post the video of the two most entertaining parts of the thing.

First, being the best moment of any of the debates – that being Ted Cruz’ glorious vivisection of the CNBC moderators. This is a Ronald Reagan moment to be remembered…

What was most brilliant about that was Cruz managed in uncorking that gem to reinforce the attacks CNBC had made on all his opponents, but in a way none of them could possibly complain about – and in fact a few of them said after the debate that they were grateful to him for what he said.

That’s really good. Not to mention Cruz also managed to avoid having to answer a question about the budget/debt ceiling deal disaster in long form which would have exacerbated the hatred the Establishment has for him. Cruz doesn’t need to say much about that deal; everyone knows he’s totally opposed to it, so it doesn’t help him to hammer away at fellow Republicans any more than he already is doing.

But hammering away at obnoxious leftist zealots disguised as objective journalists as they attempt to poleax his fellow GOP candidates not only gives Cruz a victim the entire Republican Party will cheer him on for savaging, it also offers him the ability to cultivate solidarity within the party under his leadership. That’s, as I said above, a Ronald Reagan moment.

Reagan was the too-conservative crazy guy nobody liked at one point as well, you know.

The other clip is from Mike Huckabee, who isn’t going to be the nominee but against a different field could have won the debate with this treasure…

Huckabee’s appeal comes and goes, but that was him at his best. And if his campaign doesn’t last much longer, he’ll at least be remembered for that one.

There were other moments worth remembering at that debate. I’m of a different mind than most; I have no outrage at all toward Reince Priebus for allowing CNBC a chance to host that debate. In fact, I think it was a brilliant move to schedule this thing exactly how it was scheduled. The three imbeciles hosting that debate were so inartful and asinine in their attempts to ask “gotcha” questions of the candidates that in nearly every case they actually aided the GOP field in looking good. Virtually all of them, with the exception of Jeb Bush and John Kasich, caught stupid questions from the panel and treated them as chew toys at least once.

And now all anyone is talking about is how awful CNBC is and how the leftist media bias can no longer be denied.

That is an unquestioned win for the Republican Party, and if it can escape its label as the Stupid Party with positive action the thing to do from now on is for Republican politicians to seek to eviscerate obnoxious Democrat shill reporters at every opportunity the way Cruz did. Maybe if the GOP were to make sport of such retorts for a cycle or two, enough fear would set in to produce something looking like actual journalism.



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