Rob Maness Wins Another Big Endorsement

This time from former presidential candidate Ben Carson.

Carson made the endorsement of Maness in an interview with Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle. Here’s Carson’s statement.

As a Christian, I recognize the importance of having leaders who will go to Congress and protect our religious liberties and freedom of speech, and Colonel Rob Maness is that person. He is an outsider with over 32 years of military service and a proven track record of leadership. At a time where we face threats from around the world, Colonel Maness is the right type of leader we need to keep our country safe. He will be a voice of reason, who will bring his highly experienced military background as a commander and national security expert to Congress. We need leaders who will protect our Judeo-Christian beliefs and the Constitution, and Colonel Maness will do just that. He is a man with great character and a strong moral compass, and it is with great pleasure that I endorse him for U.S. Senate. Please join me in supporting his candidacy.

Maness accepted the endorsement and thanked Carson in a statement of his own to Boyle.

Like me, Dr. Carson is a genuine political outsider and I’m honored to have earned his endorsement. Dr. Carson is one of the most respected voices in the conservative movement because of his unmovable commitment to our Christian values and constitutional rights. He understands that if we are ever going to truly transform Washington, that we must begin to send people there from the outside who aren’t beholden to the political elites in either party. With the help of patriots like Dr. Carson, I plan on going to the United States Senate to be a voice for the millions of Americans who no longer feel like they’re being represented by the career politicians in Washington and to help bring about a government that actually respects the rule of law as laid out in our Constitution.

Although Carson’s presidential campaign crashed and burned, he remains one of the most popular Republicans in the country. This is in spite of his endorsement of Donald Trump.

In a very crowded race, the Carson endorsement is a good one to have for Maness. However, only time will tell if he can transform that endorsement into votes and money.



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