Just So You Know…Some of Mary’s Big Business and Republican Supporters

Landrieu attracted a great deal of support from the Lafayette-area business community, including some names which might suprise you.

Bill Fenstermaker, CEO of Fenstermaker & Associates and co-founder of Blueprint Louisiana

Richard Zuschlag, CEO of Acadian Ambulance

Don Briggs, President of Louisiana Oil & Gas Association

Clay Allen, Lafayette attorney and co-founder of Blueprint Louisiana

Bill Fenstermaker was the featured speaker at a recent health care reform forum hosted by BlueCross-BlueShield of Louisiana. Unfortunately, according to reports from some who attended, the public was not allowed to ask Mr. Fenstermaker any questions, particularly about his support last year for Sen. Landrieu’s re-election.

Mr. Fenstermaker must support the implementation of government health care, because only a fool would have expected Sen. Landrieu to vote any different.

Blueprint Louisiana was supposedly created to help Louisiana get on the right track in the arenas of job growth, education and health care. I guess little did everyone know that support for a pro-government health care bill was part of their agenda.

But here is the main lesson to learn here. People like Bill Fenstermaker are above the rest of us Louisiana taxpayers. HE knows what is best for us, even if that means supporting the re-election of a pro-government health care U.S. Senator. You see, the money Sen. Landrieu is able to earmark for the local Chambers, parishes and business interests Mr. Fenstermaker likes is more important than us peasants being comfortable that the government will not seize such a major part of the U.S. economy.

Thank you Bill Fenstermaker for your support of Mary Landrieu. Will you ever answer and take responsibility for your actions? Or does it not matter, because regardless of what our Congressmen do up in Washington, D.C., you’re one of the elitists who is already taken care of?



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