
That’s what the Rasmussen Approval Index for President Obama is this morning, as his Strong Approvals are just 23 percent while Strong Disapprovals are at 43 percent.

As Rasmussen compiles numbers based on a three-day rolling average, one-third of the sample includes respondents polled last night after yesterday’s health-care summit. It’s clear the President hasn’t had a good week, though it’s hard to say where yesterday’s events hurt or helped him.

On overall approval, the president has just 44 percent on his side with 55 percent expressing disapproval. It appears one of Obama’s biggest problems is the performance of his Congressional minions; just 10 percent of those polled said they thought Congress is doing a “good” job, while a massive 71 percent called them “poor.” And the poll found a nine-point lead for Republicans on the generic Congressional ballot, which seems to lend some credence to projections of Republican gains of some 60-odd seats in the House of Representatives this November.



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