From a release by U.S. Rep. Charlie Melancon’s office…
WASHINGTON, D.C. —Congressman Charlie Melancon (La.-03) requested a meeting today with a key Administration official to discuss possible changes to federal fishing regulations. Congressman Melancon issued the following statement:
“The closing of the comment period for NOAA’s Ocean Policy task force has a lot of fishermen like me worried about the future of both recreational and commercial fishing. That unease stems from two things: one, we love the sport and life on the water. The other is that any weekend fisherman that’s paying even the slightest bit of attention knows that our fish stocks are threatened by many, many issues: overfishing, fish farms, and fertilizer intrusions from farms as far up-river as Iowa.
“As a Congressman, I’ve spoken with Republicans and Democrats from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas and we’re committed to protecting our way of life on the Gulf for fisherman of every stripe.
“Today, I requested a meeting with NOAA Administrator Lubchenco so we can sit down and talk about a fishing policy that works for Louisiana.”