Got this one in a release from House Minority Leader John Boehner:
Boehner: Waxman Cancels Hearing to Prevent Employers From Telling The Truth About Job-Killing Health Care Law
GOP Leader: “Now that Chairman Waxman has canceled this hearing, he should direct his efforts towards canceling this job-killing health care law altogether.”
WASHINGTON, DC – House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) canceled a hearing scheduled for next week regarding the new health care law’s impact on the economy and jobs:
“House Democrats canceled this hearing because they don’t want to give America’s employers a forum to tell the public how President Obama’s new health care law is already hurting our economy and hampering job creation. Chairman Waxman thought he could intimidate businesses into keeping quiet about this new job-killing health care law, but when they called his bluff by continuing to speak out, he chose to pull the plug.
“With 9.7 percent unemployment and Americans asking ‘where are the jobs?,’ Washington Democrats can’t hide from their job-killing agenda. The nation’s employers and small businesses will continue to alert the public to the impact of this job-killing health care law, and when they do, Congress should listen and heed their concerns, not try to interrogate and intimidate them. Now that Chairman Waxman has canceled this hearing, he should direct his efforts towards canceling this job-killing health care law altogether.”
Now this is a shame. And it was going to go so well for Waxman, Bart Stupak and the rest of the kangaroo assemblage on the 21st. We were awaiting the theater. In the meantime, perhaps we’ll await the howling laughter and derision of the mainstream media at Waxman.
Or not.
Got to give credit where credit is due – the Jawa Report found the perfect YouTube metaphor for this Charlie Foxtrot…