Vitter: Louisiana Families Need Lower Taxes

The following originally appeared in this morning’s Natchez Democrat:

This past month, as Americans all over the country worked to submit their tax returns, we were all reminded of just how important the fight is to keep our tax bills low and alleviate the financial burdens that so many Louisianians are struggling to bear.

We have seen an unprecedented level of government spending over the past year, and we must make sure our hard-earned money doesn’t go to government bureaucrats’ frivolous and wasteful pursuits. Americans cannot afford more spending bills that saddle our children and grandchildren with even more debt, but unfortunately the policies of this liberal Congress seem to only increase government spending, add to our deficit and ultimately lead to further tax increases. In fact, this Congress is on track to enact some of the largest tax increases in the history of the United States which will certainly place even more strain on family budgets. That’s a significant hit to take for families that are already facing tough times and budget choices.

For example, we know that the new health care law liberals jammed through Congress will force about one million Louisiana families making less than $200,000 to pay higher taxes. It also increases every Louisianian’s share of the national debt. And while many of the bill’s tax increases take effect immediately, the major reforms and government programs the law creates won’t go into effect until 2014. Essentially, this bill forces the American people to accept a contract and pre-pay for a product they don’t much want and won’t be even able to receive for several years down the road.

Instead of forcing Americans to hand over more of their hard-earned money to the government, we should work to create policies that cut taxes, create jobs and promote economic growth. And I’m committed to holding this Congress accountable to its duty to steward each American’s tax dollars in a responsible manner and not squander the tax dollars that it does collect.

I am interested in hearing your thoughts on taxes. Please let me know about any issues of importance to you and your family by contacting me at any of my state offices or in my Washington office by mail at U.S. Senator David Vitter, U.S. Senate, 516 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, or by phone at 202-224-4623. You can also reach me on the Web at

Sen. David Vitter represents Louisiana in the U.S. Senate.



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