Amazing Coincidences Follow Obama Everywhere

From comes an interesting anecdote about President Obama’s trip to the Washington Nationals game on Friday (which was a different and much more praiseworthy distraction than Tony Hayward’s boat trip):

No matter what Barack Obama goes, some silly conspiracy coincidence follows him.

For example, Obama blasts Bank of America and the next thing you know bus loads of SEIU protesters are escorted by the Washington D.C. police department to BOA executives homes. Wow, what crazy timing.

Then this weekend, the First Fan In Chief was seen sneaking into a Washington Nationals/Chicago White Sox game. ESPN reported that “Obama’s arrival wasn’t announced inside the stadium, and there wasn’t the stringent security for fans that usually accompanies a public appearance.”

We assume he downplayed his attendance because of his many promises not to rest during this oil spill crisis. Far be it from us to criticize the President for taking a little time off, because he’s undoubtedly worn out from the many rounds of golf he has played recently and truly needs a break.

So there’s the Greatest President In History trying to rest up while enjoying America’s pasttime and what do you know? Another coincidence.

ESPN reports that at the game where Obama’s attendance wasn’t even announced “Fans unveiled a huge banner in right-center field before the start of the eighth inning. It read: “MLB: Boycott AZ, Move the 2011 All-Star Game.”

Isn’t that just the least bit peculiar? Nobody knew the President was going to be at that game, so it’s just an amazing bit of happenstance that pro-illegal immigration folks managed to hit the jackpot. Nothing much to see here, folks.



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