Cromer: Budget Deal Will Cause More Trouble In Future

State Rep. Greg Cromer (R-Pearl River) said the completion of the 2010 Legislative Session with the passage of an insecure budget was an unwise step that sets up the state for worse budgetary problems.

“The application of $2 billion in one-time revenue for recurring expenses just makes no sense,” said Cromer, who voted against the budget along with 24 other members of the House of Representatives. “I voted against the budget on principle, but apparently being principled is not sufficient.”

Cromer said the governor initially supported the House version of the budget, but capitulated to the Senate version that added to spending.

“He’s trying to do the best he can,” Cromer said, “for the education system, healthcare, and senior citizens – the areas of the budget most vulnerable to cuts. He filled the gaps however he could. But this will make it harder for next year. That $2 billion problem is going to come back in a big way.”

Cromer said he anticipates legislative colleagues will attempt to raise taxes next year in an effort to increase state revenue.

“I think they’re going to go after oil and gas processing fees in the 2012 Session,” Cromer said. “That’s not big-picture thinking, and it’s not likely to withstand a court challenge if it passes. I won’t support any new taxes or increases in the current tax rates. The citizens don’t need to pay more taxes; the state’s spending habits need reform.”



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