Join The Rally For Economic Survival In Lafayette July 21

The continuing moratorium on offshore drilling affects many more people than the 320,000 working jobs in Louisiana supported by the oil and gas industry. As a result, it also affects far more than the 58,000 Louisianans working in extraction, refining and pipeline jobs.

The moratorium affects you. That’s a good reason to join with others at the Rally For Economic Survival to urge the Obama administration to lift the moratorium.

Louisiana’s oil and gas industry has more than a $70 billion annual impact. The industry supports more than 15 percent of household income in the state – $12.7 billion annually.

That means the economic standstill caused by the moratorium affects everyone – from a restaurant server in Lafayette whose tips suffer because the customers aren’t coming, to the caterer in Houma whose client base has vanished, to the small trucking company in Fourchon with nothing to transport.

Each day the moratorium continues, $34.8 million is out of commerce. That means people have less money to utilize services, to dine out, to patronize shops, to purchase goods and to support our small businesses.

This moratorium affects us all. Prolonging the moratorium only serves to hurt Louisiana’s economy and workers.

The Rally For Economic Survival will give a united voice to all Louisiana citizens impacted by the federal ban on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and send a message to the Obama administration to lift the moratorium for Louisiana’s jobs and America’s energy future.

Please join us on July 21 in Lafayette and help Louisiana be heard. Louisiana’s economy is depending on you.

For more information, please visit



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