Three members of Louisiana’s Congressional delegation have signed on
Two advocacy groups, American Majority Action and Independent Women’s Voice, have ramped up efforts to “make ObamaCare an issue in this election campaign.” With headquarters in four battle ground states, the organizations have 115 federal candidate or incumbent signatories to their Repeal Obamacare Pledge, including two Democrats and 74 challengers.
According to Drew Ryun, president of AMA, he and his volunteers have emailed, called, and faxed 834 incumbents and challengers, including all members of Congress. They have asked each incumbent and candidate, if elected, to commit “to vote for all bills which seek to REPEAL the health care bill, HR 3590, signed into law on March 23, 2010.” Voters may also sign up to express their support for this movement.
Ryun believes a clear majority of American voters oppose the healthcare reform of 2010 – “55 to 60 percent” – and that, as people continue to learn more, the number is rising. Media polls vary on the matter. In fact, a recent Associated Press poll had the number at only 40 percent, although 30 percent of respondents remained neutral and only 30 percent were in favor. However, by way of the campaign’s telephone survey and outreach work, he has found at least 75 percent of individuals opposed to the reform, and 90 percent of these people plan to vote.
To give these people a more explicit choice on the matter and to have an impact on elections, he and his associates have set up two or three “Liberty Headquarters” in battleground states: Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. From there they hope to make pressure for repeal “not just an election season issue.” Click below to see the organization’s latest promotional campaign video (one minute).
From Louisiana, Rodney Alexander, John Fleming, and David Vitter, have committed to the pledge – all Republican incumbents. Overall the list of signers includes seventeen Libertarian, three independent, two Constitution, and two Democratic candidates. All 33 committed incumbents are Republican.
Click here to read the full article.
Fergus Hodgson is the Capitol Bureau Reporter with the Pelican Institute for Public Policy. He can be contacted at, and one can follow him on twitter.