…for the defunding and disbanding of the FCC.
Says the media has a “bad case of substance abuse.” That we don’t get the quality of journalism we got five, 10 or 15 years ago.
What happened five, 10 or 15 years ago? Oh, yeah – the broadcast network elites and the New York Times controlled everything the public heard and saw.
This guy is completely unfit for public office. The idea that he should hold himself out as an arbiter of what the public needs to hear for democracy to survive is so breathtakingly arrogant and authoritarian – one might even detect a whiff of tyranny in his monotone croakings – as to assault the nostrils of any American.
There is a great deal more information available for public consumption today than there ever has been. Is a lot of it crap? Of course. But here’s a news flash: A lot of it has always been crap. The smug muckety-mucks at CBS, NBC and ABC, not to mention the Times and the Washington Post were doling out hit pieces and rancid Beltway groupthink for decades before talk radio, Fox News and the internet came along to check their power. And the market has driven the change. Not petty potentate bureaucrats like Michael Copps.
With the advent of the internet, cable TV and satellite radio, it’s become time to question why we even need an FCC anymore. When clowns like Copps engage in command fetishes like the above video shows and attempt to bring the internet to heel by regulatory fiat, it becomes clear that they’re doing a lot more harm than good with our tax dollars.