Pushing Domestic Energy, Congressman Landry Becomes One of the First Freshman to Have Amendment Accepted
Feb. 09, 2010–7:39 PM CDT
from a release out of Rep. Jeff Landry’s office…
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jeff Landry (Republican, LA-03) – the House’s leading proponent of domestic oil and gas drilling – became one of the first freshman of the 112th Congress to have an amendment accepted into a bill.
Landry’s amendment to H.Res. 72 – “ a resolution directing certain House committees to review and inventory existing and new government regulations that hurt job creation or lessen economic development” – highlights efforts to increase America’s energy independence.
Landry, a very vocal opponent to President Obama’s de facto moratorium on the oil and gas industry, felt the resolution should specifically direct the committees to investigate regulations hindering the domestic energy industry. “Given the importance of energy security to our nation, I know we must address any and all obstacles that are increasing our dependence on foreign oil,” said Landry.
The Rules Committee and its Chairman, Congressman David Dreier (Republican, CA-26), found Congressman Landry’s amendment worthy enough to include it in the underlying text of the bill. Landry – “honored by the recognition” concluded, “As you all know, I am committed to re-opening the Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas drilling. And I will continue to introduce legislation and amendments that put the hard-working people of South Louisiana back to work.”