So Who’s Hanging Out In The Wisconsin Capitol?

Well, here are some of them.

The shocking level of idiocy emanating from what is supposed to be a relatively decent public flagship university is breathtaking.

And that kid’s job at Noodles probably needs to be blowed up. Like ASAP. You own a restaurant and some twerp in the back washing dishes thinks he needs to be treated as an equal because otherwise it’s a dictatorship? Buh-bye, kid. Wisconsin has a 7.5 percent unemployment rate; surely they can replace this punk with somebody who won’t proselytize a murderous ideology at the workplace.

In the old days, if you wanted to spread communism you got the FBI following you around like a shadow and you were denounced by EVERYONE as an enemy agent. It’s too bad those days went away; these clowns do just as much damage, if not more, than Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs did. The fact that they’re obviously losers doesn’t minimize the threat.



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