Damn straight.
Damn straight.
Billions of dollars to them for fighting the War On Terror, and they stash Bin Laden next door to their version of West Point. Isn’t that grand?
Also, turns out that the property Bin Laden was living in – without much of a private army around him, mind you – was formerly a Pakistani ISI safe house.
Sons of bitches.
I don’t know why I’m so outraged about all this. It’s not like the fact the Pakistanis were protecting Bin Laden is a particularly shocking revelation. Maybe it’s the fact that had they not coddled that Arab devil Bush – whose presidency was defined and largely hijacked (for better or worse) by seven years of doing battle with jihadists – would have likely gotten to deliver the coup de grace rather than Obama. But mostly it’s the waste of our money to Pakistan all these years and this is what we get for it.
West is right. It’s time to take a long look at what we’re doing with Pakistan. We’re not going to like what we find, which is no surprise; we’ve known them to be a bucket of vipers for quite some time. But maybe what’s required is that we stop pretending it’s OK to subsidize their treachery and mendacity. And if we can’t resupply Afghanistan through Pakistan, then maybe we should consider how much longer we attempt to build a nation in Afghanistan, too.