Attack Of The Left Wing Radio Babes

James O’Keefe has some fans on the Left, it seems.

Since O’Keefe pulled off the ACORN sting, he created a new genre of ambush journalism that several “progressive” media types have been trying to emulate. But few of them appear able to carry out the ambush style, because if O’Keefe is one thing it’s that he’s a cool customer. In the ACORN tapes and the other on-camera stings he’s done (going all the way back to his days at Rutgers when he recorded himself agitating against having Lucky Charms cereal in the university cafeteria on the grounds that the brand was ethnically insensitive to the Irish), O’Keefe never lets on that the encounter is an ambush or that he’s engaging the mark with “nefarious” aims.

You can’t do that if you’re snarling and unhinged.

This is a lesson Air America talker Nicole Sandler hasn’t learned. Sandler, who was in the news not long ago after getting arrested for disrupting a town hall held by Rep. Allen West in Florida, was in Minneapolis this weekend for the lefty Netroots Nation blogger confab, and encountered O’Keefe in a hotel lobby. He was in town for the conservative RightOnline conference; the confluence of the two get-togethers led to a couple of other not-so-pleasant encounters.

In any event, Sandler attempted to get O’Keefe on camera saying something damaging. And she got more and more frustrated when he just wouldn’t give her what she was looking for. Shaking with anger, it would appear.

This isn’t how you ambush somebody. Particularly if that somebody happens to be a master at the craft.

Via Gateway Pundit.



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