The Advocate Ought To Stop Pretending And Just Give Michael D. Day A Column…

…since they’re obviously determined to run every daft, cretinous and half-witted emanation he spews forth.

Today’s entry is especially deficient. It’s the latest in a line of feeble attempts at assaulting Rep. Bill Cassidy following a meeting the latter had with a group of seniors to explain that the Ryan Plan on Medicare doesn’t affect them. Day and some of his fellow drones showed up at the Congressman’s Baton Rouge office a couple of weeks ago in an effort to protest his stance on the Ryan plan, of course, and ended up holding day-glo orange signs out in the hot sun when they didn’t find Cassidy’s receptionist at her desk.

He has little new to offer in today’s missive.

Mark Ballard reported that U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-Baton Rouge, told about 20 seniors that changes to Medicare are needed if Medicare is to survive.

I couldn’t help but wonder if Cassidy told those 20 seniors that we also needed to drop the tax rate for the top 2 percent of wage earners and the corporate tax rate while at the same time turning Medicare into a voucher program for their family members under the age of 55.

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., in his budget proposal, “The Path to Prosperity,” has declared class and generational warfare on the middle class, future seniors and poor folks, and our U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy has voted in lock step with him and the Republican Party.

First of all, Medicare is going broke. Maybe Day’s union-boss masters told him otherwise, but it is. The question isn’t whether folks 55 and under get the same Medicare the seniors get now; that ship has sailed. The question is whether we’ll get anything at all.

Right now, we won’t. Right now, we’ll get Obamacare. The president saw to that when his Democrat friends in Congress stole $500 billion from  Medicare to use as seed capital for health care “reform.”

Apparently Day didn’t read about that in his union newsletter. Or if he did it might not have registered with him.

Either way, his first attempt at making a point is to screech about soaking the rich and hammering corporations.

Perhaps Day’s union newsletter also didn’t mention that the top two percent of wage earners pay a larger share of the tax burden now than ever. And the economy sucks. We’re already soaking the rich and it doesn’t work, Mikey. Check the numbers.

And by the way, the corporate tax rate Day doesn’t want to see touched is THE HIGHEST IN THE WORLD. And what does it bring us?

At a posted top rate of 35 percent, in the 2011 fiscal year corporate tax revenues to the federal government are projected to be a grand total of $198 billion. Last year they brought in $191 billion. In 2007, the best year on record for corporate tax receipts, they brought in $370 billion.

A poor economy is part of the bad performance, certainly, but guess what else is. OK, for Day’s benefit we’ll just tell you.

It’s called “competitiveness.” See, every other country in the civilized world has cut their corporate tax rate in recent years. Every one. And now they’re all lower than ours is.

When your tax rate is the highest in the world, two things will happen. First, companies will do as little business in your country as possible. And second, when they do business inside your borders, they’re going to do everything they can to avoid paying that tax rate. And corporations will spend big money getting good lawyers and accountants in order to dodge taxes. Which, by the way, is generally money not being spent hiring factory workers, or sales people, or engineers.

Or union pipefitters like Michael D. Day.

He continues…

It seems that Cassidy wants to tell seniors they’re not affected by these draconian changes that he voted for to Medicare.

Cassidy is right. They’re not directly affected by these Medicare changes that he voted for unless they care about Cassidy’s vote to throw their future senior family members under a garbage truck and run over them.

Cassidy states the Congressional Budget Office predicts that Medicare could be bankrupt in 10 to 14 years or taxes will have to increase or coverage will have to decrease, both dramatically.

The congressman needs to explain how cutting taxes for billionaires and corporations (aka his political base) helps a Medicare program that’s going bankrupt.

Yeah, because by keeping Medicare from going broke Cassidy would be keeping those seniors from not having it anymore. See, when the program goes broke that means it stops paying benefits. People who have some idea of how businesses work can understand that, but it might not get discussed in the union newsletter.

But you’ve got to give Day some credit; he’s a funny guy. If you’re in Baton Rouge, look around and count all the billionaires in Cassidy’s district since they’re his political base.

Is Jim Bernhard a billionaire? The Shaw Group CEO used to be the chairman of the state Democrat Party. No matter; Bernhard is Cassidy’s political base. Never mind the fact that Bernhard and his wife Dana combined to donate $13,800 to Don Cazayoux’s two campaigns for Congress in 2008; $9,200 of which came when Cazayoux was running against Cassidy.

But hey, he’s rollin’. Here’s the big finish…

Cassidy, along with other Republicans, has called the Independent Payment Advisory Board for Medicare “a bunch of bureaucrats” who could decide whether a senior gets care. I guess Congressman Cassidy is more comfortable with someone he is closer to being “the decider,” insurance companies.

Cassidy seems to like picking and choosing which “bunch” of bureaucrats that he likes for his own political health.

Congressman Cassidy and the Republicans who supported turning Medicare into a voucher program are spending a lot of time explaining to people whose benefits the changes wouldn’t affect.

It would be nice to see the same photo opportunity with Congressman Cassidy explaining the voucher program to people under the age of 55, the very people it would affect.

I’m not holding my breath for that photo in The Advocate.

Congressman Cassidy and the Republicans’ actions on Medicare are purely political and purely Machiavellian.

So in other words, bureaucrats who work for insurance companies with whom people voluntarily contract are bad, and bureaucrats who work for the federal government you’ve got no choice but to deal with are better. Day is every bit as disingenuous, if I’m not guilty of giving him too much credit, as he accuses Cassidy of being.

But maybe it’s not a terrible idea for Cassidy to do a photo op with under-55’s who’d rather have something that looks like Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage as the future of the program. I’ll show up. After all, since Medicare denies more claims than any insurance company, and since its reimbursement rates for doctors are so substandard that fewer and fewer are even accepting Medicare patients it doesn’t look like a particularly good program.

But the larger question here is this – I hear all the time from folks irritated that the Advocate won’t print their letters to the editor. Why is it that ill-informed, partisan union bilge like this from Mr. Day always seems to make it through the filter?



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