Reacting to Waters’ statement that “the Tea Party can go to hell,” Santorum absolutely lets her have it…
Good for him.
Let’s not forget that Waters’ anti-Tea Party rant, which let’s also not forget went further to include her pledge to do what it takes to put the Tea Party in hell, wasn’t even close to the most anti-American statement she’s been caught on camera making.
No, that honor goes to this entree, in which she threatened to go Hugo Chavez on the oil companies…
Waters’ interlocutor there? John Hofmeister, the former CEO of Shell, who says he voted for Obama.
That’s just a little aside for you. That anybody in the oil business would have voted for Obama is nearly inconceivable – until you consider that until Sarah Palin joined his ticket John McCain was just as idiotically opposed to domestic oil drilling as Obama.
But Waters hasn’t changed. She’s still as dumb as she is militant and crooked.
And guess what? She’s also not going anywhere. Because as ridiculous as Waters is, her constituents think she’s swell.
Why? Well, here’s a snapshot of her district. The median household income is $41,694, more than $10,000 below the national average – and that’s in Los Angeles, where it’s extremely expensive to live and you can’t really get away with a low figure based on the cost of living figure. Only 16 percent of CA-35 has a bachelor’s degree. Twenty percent of the district is below the poverty line and 31 percent pulls in less than $25,000 per year.
In other words – losers.
Want proof? Here you go…
It’s not even a majority black district. Some 53 percent of Waters’ constituents are Hispanic; only 30 percent is black.
But she’ll be there as long as she wants, because she’ll play the entitlement/race card all day long and there will NEVER be a Democrat primary challenger to her. Inner city machine Democrats leave Congress in handcuffs or a pine box; that’s it.
Santorum has nothing to lose by laying into Waters. He’s not going to win the GOP nomination anyway, so why not tell the truth? She is vile, and she’s anti-American. And the people who are going to call Santorum a racist for saying so would call him one anyway, no matter what he says, because they call everybody a racist who isn’t for stealing money from the productive in society and buying votes with it.