Shannon Reeves to address Ascension GOP Roundtable

Conservative civil rights activist and political strategist Shannon Reeves will be the featured speaker at the Ascension GOP Roundtable, sponsored by Ascension Republican Women. The Roundtable is scheduled for Thursday, August 18th at NOON at Kamal’s Kafe, 13091 Airline Hwy. in Gonzales.  (11:30 to 12:00 – Socializing; Noon – Meeting)

Reeves is currently serving as Senior Advisor to the Chairman on African-American Affairs for the LAGOP.   His former political experiences include serving as the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) Director of State and Local Development and as the elected Secretary of the California Republican Party.  To date, he remains one of the Party’s leading experts on African-American voting trends, demographic changes and diversity.

Cost for the buffet style lunch is $13.00, ice tea, tax and gratuity included.  The Roundtable is open to the public and guests are welcome. Reservations are requested. Phone 225-644-5728 or e-mail: or

Note: Republican Candidates for statewide and local office are welcome to come to our meetings, network, bring literature and have lunch with us.  We ask that you make a reservation. In keeping with ARW’s on-going community service project, the St. Theresa Food Bank, members and guests are asked to bring non-perishable items to this and any ARW event.



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