has this one on their site, and it’s a classic.
A conservative group, Youth For Western Civilization, set up a table at the University of Minnesota-Duluth student union on Constitution Day to pass out copies of the Constitution and sign folks up to their organization. And for their trouble they were set upon by a skinny, bearded hipster from the New Black Panthers who promptly told them if their group “threatened” the university’s Multicultural Center, he would “exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.”
What that meant he wouldn’t say, other than to deny he was threatening to shoot anyone.
He then proceeded to lambaste the Constitution as unjust and “racist” – or something – while extolling the virtues of Huey Newton.
Also on the video, the group was assaulted by the university’s Director of the Office of Cultural Diversity who asked if they were a white supremacist outfit and then told them “it looks like one.”
For passing out Constitutions.
Click here for more on this.