Not three days after Saturday’s election and he throws in with the worst of the worst.
Today, Governor Bobby Jindal announced his support of Senator John Alario for Louisiana State Senate President.
Governor Jindal said, “John’s been a good friend and a partner over the past four years to pass conservative reforms and help move Louisiana forward. His experience in the House and the Senate is invaluable. John knows the budget process better than most and that experience is critical as we continue to confront fiscal challenges.
“His leadership in the Senate will also be vital as we tackle major education reforms and work to give more choices to parents of kids trapped in failing schools, reward teacher excellence, and hold schools accountable. John is one of the most well respected members of the Legislature and he has a great ability to work across partisan, ideological and regional lines in order to get things done for the people of Louisiana.
“My staff has reached out to nearly every Senator and a majority of the Senate has committed to support John. I look forward to working with him as we continue to make Louisiana the best place in the world to raise a family and start a career.”
Sure, he knows the budget process.
I had an old hand who knows the legislature really well tell me all about Alario and the budget process.
Let’s say you have a judgement against the state. Just because you’ve got one, that doesn’t mean you get paid. You have to get an appropriation from the legislature to get paid.
And when Alario was House Speaker from 1984-88 and from 1992-96, and also when he ran House Appropriations during his time as Edwin Edwards’ henchman in the House, if you wanted to get that appropriation done there was one lobbyist you’d go to see, because he’d get that appropriation passed for you.
That was Dan Robin. Alario’s lobbyist. Whose office was in Alario’s office.
We already know from the 1995 River Birch case how these things work.
Buddy Roemer got rid of Alario as the Speaker in 1988. Jindal won’t take such an obvious step.
This is the guy who came into office touting ethics reform. That sure rings hollow when he picks the worst possible guy as senate president.
Very depressing.