Nope. Not really.
So the fact that Obama goes to Kansas today and gaffes that “It’s good to be back in Texas!” shouldn’t shock anybody, or even make news.
Of course, Obama was in Kansas to echo the same progressive/socialist bilge Teddy Roosevelt fed to people in that same town – Osawatomie – 100 years ago. Or 101 years ago, to be more precise.
Roosevelt’s speech that Obama attempted to reprise was known as the 1910 “New Nationalism” speech. It was a staggering display of American socialism, and it was full of precisely the same swill we hear from the current president. A couple of highlights from that speech…
“The essence of any struggle for healthy liberty has always been, and must always be, to take from some one man or class of men the right to enjoy power, or wealth, or position, or immunity, which has not been earned by service to his or their fellows. That is what you fought for in the Civil War, and that is what we strive for now.”
“We grudge no man a fortune in civil life if it is honorably obtained and well used. It is not even enough that it should have gained without doing damage to the community. We should permit it to be gained only so long as the gaining represents benefit to the community.”
Naturally, of course, it’s the same class warfare trash the Democrat Party has owned since Woodrow Wilson, the progressive tyrant who beat Roosevelt when he attempted his 1912 comeback as a third-party presidential candidate, was able to perfect progressive tyranny in Washington. The central idea – that somehow it’s OK for an enlightened dictator or bureaucracy in Washington to determine whose fortune has been reputably gained and whose is ill-gotten and thus confiscate the latter – is Obama’s re-election message in total, or so it seems.
In other words, he offers 100 year-old ideas from a dead politician held in poor esteem by his own party, and this is his substitute for a record of accomplishment to run on.
The default analysis we offer here is that such a presentation is a recipe for electoral annihilation next year almost regardless of who the GOP challenger is. The caveat to that analysis would be if the American people have been brought so low by Obama’s policies, driven by the failed ideas of Roosevelt, Wilson and Teddy’s younger cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that this kind of “benevolent” tyranny should become popular among its intended victims.
UPDATE: Tina Korbe at Hot Air has a good take on Obama’s speech…
Today, the president did sweepingly what he has done patchily for the past few months, did at last what I have long wished he would do. He honestly argued for a welfare state and directly stated his disbelief in trickle-down economics. For once — again, except in a few places — this wasn’t conservative rhetoric to cover up progressive policies. It was progressive rhetoric to promote progressive policies. Nobody who reads this speech should be in doubt as to what he’s selling — but they should think deeply about how much freedom they’re willing to give up to buy it.
UPDATE #2: Ace weighs in with an excellent observation about Obama’s offensive suggestion that economic freedom has “failed”…
He says “trickle-down economics” rather than capitalism, but “trickle-down economics” is merely an argument in favor of capitalism. There is no such thing as “trickle-down economics.” There is capitalism, and the argued advantage of it, which is the trickling down of created wealth.
So he is in fact saying, as the headline puts it, that capitalism has never worked.
Meanwhile his Suicide Solution Socialism has apparently set the economic world on fire, I guess.
I don’t talk about this too often because Monty does such a good job and it’s frankly depressing. But Europe is probably going to plunge into something in between a recession or a depression, and may erupt in violence and political disorder.
And Europe is Obama’s lodestar. That’s where he wants to take us. To the extent we haven’t gotten there yet, it’s because Americans are soft, lazy bitter clingers who hate other sorts of people (and their politico-economic systems).
So Europe’s 60 or 70 year history with socialism is about to end in violent upheavals and misery… and here’s this ignoramus saying that it’s capitalism which is the proven failure.