Did We Forget Barney Frank’s Goodbye Kiss?

For shame.

It’s been kinda busy around here, so please forgive us.

Michael Ramirez didn’t forget…

Another one we liked…

And another…

Dave Granlund always has good stuff, and this was his…

The Boston Globe was pretty unfriendly…

This one might well be my favorite…

Or this one, if you’d prefer…

This one was a little nasty…

On a more serious note, though, the National Republican Congressional Committee is crowing about Frank’s departure – which is coming to some extent thanks to a district which went from a +14 Democrat profile to a +9 profile. While Massachusetts was untouched by the 2010 Republican wave, it’s not impossible that 2012 might be a continuation or maybe an intensification of it in a place like the Bay State, where a Democrat governor in Deval Patrick has made a complete hash of his job and it’s not clear whether the far-left Elizabeth Warren, who is running as the Democrat opponent to GOP senator Scott Brown, will be a positive or a negative down the ballot (she’s kooky, and she’s also reminiscent of Martha Coakley, whom Brown beat in 2009).

And given those circumstances, the NRCC has been aggressively recruiting candidates to run against Frank – as well as some of the other more noxious Democrat leadership figures.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-Louisiana), the NRCC’s vice-chairman in charge of candidate recruiting, let out a barbaric yawp after Frank’s departure announcement…

Congressman Steve Scalise, National Republican Congressional Committee Vice-Chairman in charge of recruiting, today released the following statement after the announced retirement of Barney Frank.

“Barney Frank’s announced retirement from Congress marks another victory in our recruitment efforts as we work to increase our Republican majority in the House,” Scalise said.  “After barely winning reelection last year, Barney Frank knew he would be facing an opponent in a new district less interested in his liberal agenda which has given us record deficits and skyrocketing unemployment.”

“A growing list of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s liberal lieutenants are heading for the exits because they finally realize that the American people have rejected their radical agenda and that they will not recapture the House majority.  We will continue to fight against President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s failed liberal agenda, while recruiting more strong candidates who want to join us in creating jobs and getting our economy back on track.”

There are two truly unhappy effects of Frank’s decision to quit. Actually, there are three – one of them being that Maxine Waters will take over as the senior Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee. It’s nearly impossible to find somebody more corrupt and incompetent than Frank for that job, but thanks to Waters it’s not totally impossible – and she will actually be more destructive than Frank has been.

As for the other two – one is that the GOP and the American people in general will be denied the satisfaction of seeing Frank forced to give a concession speech and suffer the humiliation of being turned out of office by the voters. The other is that Frank’s career demise might well usher in the birth of yet another Kennedy upon the political stage – this one being Joseph P. Kennedy III, or otherwise known as Joe Junior’s kid. He’s a prosecutor in a DA’s office outside the district, but nobody up there cares about stuff like that.

Still, getting rid of Frank is progress – even if only because it provides the editorial cartoonists with golden material to work with.



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