Our country faces serious issues, and these issues require serious solutions—not another year of empty promises and futile strategies.
This time last year, President Obama pledged to put American jobs at the top of his priority list, yet his actions have been nothing short of contradictory. Instead of growing the private sector and restoring confidence in our job creators, the administration has only grown government-induced debt and government-backed jobs. To reinforce this point, just last week the White House shut the door on the Keystone XL pipeline, a project which would have created an estimated 20,000 shovel-ready jobs here at home while also reducing our reliance on foreign energy sources.
For quite some time, the policies irresponsibly advanced by the president and Democrat-led Senate have merely produced more reckless spending, an unshakable debt and further government intrusion. Needlessly to say, the ideas of this administration have been tested and have failed.
Tonight, with President Obama returning to Congress to deliver his State of the Union address, I hope he will leave the era of political games and rhetoric behind him. As our nation begins a new year, our federal government should try a new approach. Let’s put an end to the political wrangling and get to work returning faith–and prosperity—to the American people.