Having reported on LSU athletic director Joe Alleva’s having been deposed in the Duke Lacrosse lawsuit earlier this morning, we now bring you some of his deposition. Alleva’s statements don’t particularly favor his credibility or help his former employer.
Alleva said this six years ago, March 28, 2006:
Statement by Athletics Director Joe Alleva Responding to Student Request to Suspend Season
Durham, N.C. – I completely agree with President Brodhead’s statement and appreciate his leadership throughout this trying situation. As unsettling as this has been for our entire community, dealing with difficult circumstances is part of the educational process. In a meeting this morning, our student-athletes made it clear to us that their behavior was inappropriate and recommended the suspension of their own season until the legal process is complete. Both President Brodhead and I agreed with them. Quite simply, it would not be in the best interest of the student-athletes, the coaches, or our entire University community to continue competition given the seriousness of the allegations. The Duke University Department of Athletics has always attempted to maintain the highest standards on and off the playing fields, and we will continue to do so as we move beyond the uncertainty in this current situation involving our lacrosse program.
Now he’s changed stories:
Further proof of Duke’s media strategy has recently been established in former Athletic Director Joe Alleva’s sworn testimony. During his deposition on January 20, 2012, Mr. Alleva testified that he made positive and truthful statements about Plaintiffs and their teammates’ character at the University’s press conference on March 28, 2006. Mr. Alleva testified that he was “crucified” immediately afterwards for making those statements by President Brodhead himself and in front of the Crisis Management Team, all of whom knew how “off-message” Mr. Alleva’s truthful, positive statements about Plaintiffs were.
The question now is why did Alleva wait six (6) years to speak out? Why didn’t he speak up in March of 2006 and put a stop to the attempted lynching of his student athletes?