I got this today from the good folks over at FreedomWorks:
Urgent Action Needed in Louisiana
Call Now for School Choice:
On Wednesday, April 4th the Louisiana Senate will be voting on two education reform bills, H974 and H976. But some of these Senators are still undecided. It is time we demand these Senators vote yes on HB974 to reform teacher tenure and HB976 to expand school choice.
The vote on the Senate floor Wednesday will be very close, as many of these Senators are committed to special interests over the needs of our children.
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NEAP), Louisiana ranks 49th in educational performance, with only 18% of students considered proficient in reading and math.
These numbers are particularly troubling given that the state and local governments spend nearly $12,000 per student annually on a failed system.
Tell these Senators to put the needs of our children first, and to vote YES on HB974 and HB976.
Sen. Sharon Broome (D-Baton Rouge), lasen15@legis.la.gov, 225-359-9352
Sen. Dale Erdey (R-Livingston), erdeyd@legis.la.gov, 225-686-2881
Sen. Page Cortez (R-Lafayette), cortezp@legis.la.gov, 337-993-7430
Sen. Fred Mills (R-Parks), millsf@legis.la.gov, 334-845-4240
Sen. Ronnie Johns (R-Lake Charles), johnsr@legis.la.gov, 337-491-2016
Sen. Blade Morrish (R-Jennings), morrishd@legis.la.gov, 337-824-3979
Sen. Jonathan Perry (R-Kaplan), perryj@legis.la.gov, 337-740-6425
Sen. John Smith (R-Leesville), smithj@legis.la.gov, 337-238-2709
Sen. Bob Kostelka (R-Monroe), kostelka@legis.la.gov, 318-362-3474
Sen. Rick Gallot (D-Ruston), gallotr@legis.la.gov, 318-251-5019
Sen. Francis Thompson (D-Delhi), thompsof@legis.la.gov, 318-878-9408
Sen. David Heitmeier (D-New Orleans), heitmeierd@legis.la.gov, 504-361-6356
Sen. JP Morrell (D-New Orleans), morrelljp@legis.la.gov, 504-284-47974
Sen. Sherri Smith Buffington (R-Keithville), smithbuffington@legis.la.gov, 318-687-4820