UPDATE: And now, after a smattering of speechifying, HB 976, the school choice bill, passes the House on a 60-42 vote. Both bills go to the Governor for signing.
ORIGINAL: The final vote: 60 yeas and 41 nays, meaning HB 974 is now on its way to Gov. Bobby Jindal for his signing. Last night the Senate voted the bill forward by a 23-16 count, but the Senate had some amendments first. And those amendments meant that it had to go back to the House, which is choosing to concur in those amendments rather than finish the bill in a conference committee.
This after a two-hour session in which a good many opponents of the bill offered up speeches which had little to do with the bill.
And after Rep. Marcus Hunter (D-Monroe) made a reference to “appeasement” and suggested that the last time we appeased somebody it was Hitler and look how that worked out – which apparently means that Jindal is Hitler – they called the vote and it passed.
So it’s done. Teacher tenure is getting a major reform in this state and teaching is becoming a lot more competitive profession.
Now the House is working on HB 976, the school choice bill. They’ll concur in that as well.