UPDATE: This thread needs some theme music, dontcha think?
An alternative…
You didn’t think we were gonna let this go, did you?
So Jim Treacher from the Daily Caller decided to jump on this business about the Obama people and their media suckups giving Romney a hard time about making his dog ride in a crate on the roof of his car one time. And Treacher found a pretty interesting passage in Obama’s book Dreams From Some Guy Who Lives In My Neighborhood.
“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”
Natch, of course, we also have narration from Obama saying thanks to the audiobook of Dreams From Some Guy Who Lives In My Neighborhood…
And Treacher GOES OFF on Obama. Just brutal…
“So what? It was a long time ago,” you say. “He was a lot younger. Customs are different there. He was just doing what his stepfather told him. And hey, you can’t even prove that the dogs were ever left on top of a car, you racist.”
Hey, whatever you have to tell yourself, libs. Say what you want about Romney, but at least he only put a dog on the roof of his car, not the roof of his mouth. And whenever you bring up the one, we’re going to bring up the other.
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Update: I know the Secret Service has a lot to deal with right now, but are they protecting Bo? From Obama, I mean.
Update: Obama would never put a dog on top of a car. Dries out the meat.
Which of course set off a Twitter bomb. Don’t think this is gonna go away soon – it’s waaaaaaaaay too much fun…
And Treacher again, with the last word (I dunno how you beat this Tweet)…
So we’re gonna have to contribute to this. And we’ve got a few things to get started with here…
This is startin’ to look like one of those proliferations…
This might be the best one…
This one’s kinda subtle…
And there’s this…
Oh, and then there’s one we cooked up…
UPDATE: Y’all like this one?
UPDATE: Now there’s a Dogs Against Obama Tumblr page. Some highlights…
UPDATE: This is a great country full of extremely talented people.
UPDATE: And there’s this…
UPDATE: How about this one?
UPDATE: Mmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmmore…
UPDATE: And a bit more…
UPDATE: Obama likes his waffles…
And you know this thing wouldn’t be complete without Hitler weighing on it…
UPDATE: And by the way, the talkin’ dog has an opinion, too…
And then we have this, which isn’t a fark but it does offer ideas for Obama’s birthday party…
One hell of a cake, huh?
UPDATE: It was a matter of time before somebody figured out how to make a buck off this…
UPDATE: This ain’t right.
UPDATE: And another…
And of course, there was Romney’s quote today about how this election isn’t about Obama eating dogs. See what he did there?
UPDATE: A few more we found…
UPDATE: A little more…
UPDATE: Those “Dinner With Barack” ads you’ve seen on the web seem a little different now, don’t they?
UPDATE: Treacher’s back at this again today – he’s havin’ as much fun as we are. He even linked here.
And he found this…
UPDATE: Oh, yeah. This, too…
UPDATE: Mornin’, everybody!
First, we’ve got this…
Second, Ace Of Spades had a good post about all this and why do it. He quotes two of that Alinsky guy’s Rules for Radicals that are on the money here…
RULE 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counter attack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.
RULE 6: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.
Rule 5, baby.
Alinsky was a low-down jackass, but he had some smarts about him. And the response to the War On Dogs from the lefties shows just how rough it is to handle people makin’ fun of you.
They got nothin’.
What LaBolt, who’s one of the interior flunkies in Obama’s camp, is tryin’ to say is that the bone you wanna pick (see what I did there?) is with ol’ Lolo, who brought all that roadkill for his stepson to eat.
Except that won’t fly, because in Dreams From Some Guy Who Lives In My Neighborhood Obama – who’s grown-up enough to hang out with Lil’ Bill Ayers and that broad who helped him make bombs to kill cops with at the time – talks about Filet of Fido like it’s no particular big deal except the meat needs tenderizing. And he’s on the audiobook sayin’ it, too (scroll up and you’ll find it). Doesn’t sound like he’s six on that audio, does it?
Plus, how pathetic do you sound like when you start defendin’ your guy who eats dogs by sayin’ he got abused by a scumbag barbarian when he was a kid? Folks might feel sorry for him, but it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in him as the president – a job he’s proven he sucks at, by the by.
And oh, yeah – there’s this…
Fidogate has just gone international. Already the Left is defending Obama for eating dog meat on the grounds that his stepfather–who was Indonesian–wanted to share his culture and customs with him. But there’s just one problem with this: it wasn’t his culture or custom.
In fact, in Jakarta, where the Obamas lived with their Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, dog meat is illegal. In the majority Muslim Indonesia, eating dog is forbidden among most ethnic groups in the islands, though a small, black market is said to exist for those looking for it. The only exception are the Batak people, principally of Northern Sumatra who eat it on holidays–but Obama’s stepfather, who was raised in West Java, isn’t a part of that ethnic group. Besides, the Obamas lived hundreds of miles and several islands away.
A diplomatic source close to the Indonesian delegation in the U.S. confirms that while dog is sometimes eaten in Indonesia, it is done so very rarely. “Obama had to go hunting for dog meat,” the source, who didn’t want to be identified, told me.
“I don’t know of anyone who eats it and frankly, I’m a little offended you would ask.”
Breitbart.com scoured Indonesian cook books. Not one mentions ways to prepare dog.
So yeah – we can ridicule it. It’s ridiculous.
A little bit extra…
UPDATE: Hi there.