It Ain’t No Party

It’s Monday. I’ll be trying to figure out how I feel about the latest campaign gaffe, screw-up or faux pas committed by one of my Executive Class “leaders”. These people bonded themselves with an amoral blend of ideological super glue assuring they lock-step more than stand out as different entities; such is the case with Progressives.

We now have De-mob-lycans and Republic-rats as our two significant political parties. They’ve blended to assure at least some of their wilted thought processes are before the people at election time. De-mob-lycans are socialist wolves tearing the flesh from a downed electorate, scavenging their principles so as to assure the wolves’ needs come first. They lead the pack and down the prey. But, the ideology comes first and the mob waits for secondary servings from when the Alpha is finished. The mob gets the scraps.

At the moment Republic-rats are no more than the secondary creatures surging in the night to ambush the De-mob-lycans as they try continuing on their wasting course. Where the De-mob-lycans appear as a team seeking to down their prey together; the Republic-rats are more a mass of disenfranchised individuals coming together from the darkness. They’ve been in the shadows, growing in number; coming to a consensus when people weren’t looking and now bond together as more a tide than a wave of like thoughts.

But still, they aren’t seeing the overall picture because they’re blinded by the light they’ve surged into.

Beaurat Obama couldn’t lead me from a burning gas station; he’d try to convince me the hose and pump nozzle he handed me was for water. Next, there’s his pet Demoblican Chihuahua – Joe wandering around America trying to convince people he and Beaurat are the exemplars of true Americana. They believe we should accept the revelations of Marx, Lenin and Mao as what America really stands for.

Then there’s the problem of the Republicrat Party. The foundational element the Republic-rats have come up with is that they aren’t the De-mob-lycans: you know; like Cyanide isn’t Strychnine? Neither one is really good for you. But when you’re desperate, you make bad decisions.

To put it simply; it’s the problem of people NOT recognizing a hierarchy separated into only 2 similar ideologies is selling us a bill of goods where there’s only ONE guy in each party capable of running a country composed of over 300 million people. Does that make sense to you? Haven’t we learned there are more ways to run a civilization than separatist/monarchical or segregated/non-representative government administered by a plutocratic oligarchy? Must we settle for less than our very best possibilities?

Both parties want to sit at the pinnacle of ideological ascent. They each want to control those they see as inferiors. The internal hierarchies are no different: those who pull the most support in the mechanism they use to progress government are the ones allowed to operate the machine. The laborers they keep in the shadows (and moreso in the dark as to how they conduct business) are no better off than the Beta wolves waiting in queue to get the scraps from the fresh kill.

Socialism stinks because it removes people from their right to self-govern. The system we have now, in the 21st Century, could allow us greater control over our government by regular, personal polling of the people and specifically dedicated referenda to GUIDE our representatives. It isn’t even being suggested beyond the keyboard being pounded now. And, that’s because the De-mob-lycans and the Republic-rats want to remain in power. They want to assure their power is NEVER diminished.

They seek to erect barriers morphing and changing the shadows regularly so the people believe the terrain and political landscape shift just enough keeping the people off balance. Meanwhile the two juggernauts keep running over the people’s rights to control their own destinies. Each juggernaut carries a different flag as they enter battle but; they have the same battle plan.

Control the government; control the people. Control the people; remain the controller. Remain the controller; direct the game.

This ain’t no game and sure ain’t no party.

Thanks for listening.



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